Big is scared of my C99. Big sissy,, bring it.
Having fun with my brother.

Having fun with my brother.

if only i cold take a descent picture i just can't do them justice.
You guys want to try something simple... place your plant on the floor in a dark room.. use the flash to bring her to life. Trick is, don't get to close, this way the flash won't wash out the trich's.. Take a few shots from different angles, what makes digital so fun.
Then when you uipload it, I just use paint and zoom in and crop it..
Please reread the rules in post #1. Select a single photo for your entry.My very first grow since highschool back in 2020. The first was guerrilla glue and the second was some bag seed. Both were decent but super fluffy as I didn't have any way to control temp and lighting much. Basically grown in a window with a lamp. I had 5 or 6 growing outside but kept the 1 and brought it in since MS isnt in favor of people growing weed. They could've been some big bushes if I'd kept them outside.
I got high af and carried away last night haha my badsPlease reread the rules in post #1. Select a single photo for your entry.
It happens.
Practice makes perfect. Give it a try.if only i cold take a descent picture i just can't do them justice.