OK so here is my update for week two, Since I was having a problem with the PH going up I decided to be much more precise about my note taking. So here is the breakdown of my PH and PPM so far since Saturday.
Date Time Additive Ammount PPM PH Notes
11/29/2008 10:30 AM Water 10 Gallons 2 5.4 Started with 10 gallons of filter water
Master A 40ml 221 5.8
Master B 40ml 383 5.7
Verde 20ml 416 6.3
Mayan MicroZyme 20ml 428 6.1
Kynin (Sea Cal) 20ml 460 6.6
FlavorFul 20ml 512 6
Hum-Bolt 20ml 522 6.2
PryZyme 50ml 527 6.1
Humboldt Roots 20ml 530 6.1
11/29/2008 11:30 AM 533 6
11/29/2008 1:00 PM 544 6.3
11/29/2008 5:30 PM 544 6.8
11/29/2008 5:30 PM PH Down 15ml
11/29/2008 6:30 PM 558 5.7
11/30/2008 8:00 AM 609 7.5
11/30/2008 8:00 AM PH Down 15ml
11/30/2008 10:30 AM 654 7.1
11/30/2008 10:30 AM PH Down 15ml
11/30/2008 2:00 PM 702 6.8
11/30/2008 2:00 PM PH Down 30ml
11/30/2008 8:00 PM 771 6
12/1/2008 7:00 AM 814 6.7
12/1/2008 7:00 AM PH Down 10ml
So I am still getting a rise in the PH, I am working with the nute company to see if what I may be doing wrong. The good news is that besides a few leaves on Rose I was able to catch the PH before it caused any problems and the girls are looking good. Another little thing that I snagged is that apparently the T8 bulbs that I have in my hoods were not great for veg so I got one new one and have 3 more on the way, man this is going to be a huge difference. Should be here in a few days, I cant wait!!! OK now onto the pics

Sarah is looking good dont you think

Rose had a small issue with PH drift issues I believe, but her new foliage is looking much better. Will the damaged leaves repair themselves?

Martha has a few leaves that burned abit but again totally good new foliage.

Donna looks nice as well.
So is there anything that I am missing? I am hoping that with the new bulbs (btw I got 6500 kelvin aquarium bulbs) I will see the growth that all my buddies seem to get

Thanks again to everyone who checks these out and gives me such great advice. I hope to have some great Bud Pr0n for you guys in a few months. Also one last thing for everyone who cares (prob all of one of you) here is a pic that helps substantiate at least the Jedi part of my tag line, I am still working on earning the 420 part.

Here is my protection