dwc help

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PCduck: I'm shooting for total self sufficeintcy. The next step once I can afford it is an evironment controller and doser that can be hooked up to a pc and programed. This is only the first step. My dream is to have it totally automated from start to finish, all I need to do is harvest, clean the tubs, put in new plants and start the cycle again. The system would drain itself once a week, refill itself, and add all required nutrients on its own all while constantly monitoring ph drift and ppm levels.
I just had a thought....If you are going to go that far and program your grow from pc/laptop. Just might has add a few cameras with zoom and monitor those on your pc/laptop too. A picture is worth a thousand words..Then you could do a grow from anyplace...Wait am I thinking they probably already do that...
I got all kinds of crazy dreams my friend. The only thing that worries me about cameras is that they could possibly be viewed by an outside party. If I did set up cameras they would only be accesible internally on my own network and locked to the mac id of a single device. Even that could be circumvented but the chances are very small. Anything networked to the outside can not be considered secure as the only secure computer is one that is shut off :p Setting up a camera connected to the controlling PC in the room would be cool though, you could do a time lapse of the grow, how neato would that be.
System = complete. No leaks and flood proof. I'll start a new thread this afternoon after some clean up. Found my camera, got a memory card for it so pictures shall be forthcoming. Look for the thread in the hydroponics section. Don't think I'm going to do a how-to on this one but if the interest is there I could. I'll do my best to explain it though.
tater, while i personally think that you could run a much more efficient or simple hydro setup like a standard e&f setup, I must say that your description of what you are wanting to create sounds all too exciting! Keep us up to date on your progress.
JBonez, the system has been running without a problem now for 4 days, one pinhole leak has presented itself. Proper grommets will fix the issue but I can't get into the city for a bit so it will have to wait, the leak is minor though like less than a cup of water a day. Also instead of using a 5 gallon pail as a controller I'm going to modify a water cooler, the kind with the screw on lid, for the next iteration. I'll try and get to taking pictures today and putting them up for you guys to see. I really wish I could post a video of it in action its the coolest.

Even if it does fail worst case scenario I have a dwc system with a mixing station. Every tub is on valves so if I had to or if I have problems growing 5 or six strains together I can always stop the ebb and flo and isolate each tub from each other with a valve. Then when I want to check them I open the valves on the tubs I want to check, flip on the pump, fill the barrel, check and adjust the solution, pull the flapper and send it back to the tubs. Then you could close those valves and repeat the process with your other tubs.
Yes Tater pics would be nice. This is very interesting would most definitely like to see the finish product.:cool:
Im sorry I just have to do this, only cause I like them so much


I know I know, I'll get to it before the end of the day today promise.
Sorry guys, the wife had a friend drop by and now's she staying for a while so I'm stuck. Can't go in the room until she leaves, if I can't get the pictures up tonight I'll do it first thing in the morning after the missus goes to work.
Pics are up in the hydroponics section.

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