got anything better than youtube videos?![]()
ham, congrats on the burn wave. people are listening and like what he has to say. read he was behind in N.Y. but hoping. g13, enough on the u-tubes and comics strips. not funny or worth watching. are u a republican or anti-gov.
Thanks grass hopper. People indeed are getting on board with Bernie. Not everyone is as cynical as some and believe we can actually make a difference. The first step is actually understanding the meaning of words. It's like beating a dead horse with some. It's all good though. From the looks of things tonight plenty of people in NY #FEELTHEBERN. Just the fact that he has awakened so many people and got them involved in the Political Process is a major win and will pay dividends down the road.
I love how free speech seems to only apply to liberals. G13 has as much of a right to post his views as any other individual does.ham, congrats on the burn wave. people are listening and like what he has to say. read he was behind in N.Y. but hoping. g13, enough on the u-tubes and comics strips. not funny or worth watching. are u a republican or anti-gov.
I love how free speech seems to only apply to liberals. G13 has as much of a right to post his views as any other individual does.
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How did y'all like the debate? I'm curious to see if Sanders keeps his word and releases those tax returns today like he said he would.