donald and mj

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Most all the ppl at Donald Trumps rallys are good ppl wanting change. Most are very hard working ppl that want the American Dream back. But because of a few bad apples, ,,Trump is a Racist and Bigot ,,,absolutely absurd that you cant say anything about ppl of a different nationality without being told your a racist. Just complete bullshit throwing the race card out at every turn. The biggest asshats of all this is the Bernie Sanders Supporters going to Trumps rallys causing as much trouble as they can,,and then hollering bigot cause they got their *** kicked. If you will notice most the Agitators are youngsters thats causing the most problems. And who are they supporting,,,Bernie thats who. And Bernie is having a grand ole time witn it. Course he better have a good time while he can,,,because he doesn't stand a chance in hell of becoming President.
WAIT,,,WAIT,,,WAIT FOR IT,,,,,Okay Hammy, ,,let me have it. :rofl:
I'm glad you posted that video, another angle people need to hear. I never thought about these rallys being private events, but they indeed are. He has the right to evict anyone he wants.

Learning more about those protestors/agitators makes me that much more pissed.
Even if it wasnt private,,these little basterds have no business acting like morons and thinking its okay to jack up someones right to free speach.
When your step your *** into a crowd of thousands upon thousands of hard working men and women and treat them like crap,,you are asking to get your butt kicked. Why is everyone so upset and shocked that ppl are standing up for themselves. Thats what makes America,,,America. We need to be Patriots again,,Kick your *** Americans, ,,ready to die for what we believe in.
If not ,,,,,we might as well be from a 3rd world Country .
Trump warned ppl about Brussels in January,,,and all they did was give him ****... what say they now???
Hillary Clinton: US response to Brussels must be 'consistent with our values'

This doesn't make me feel safe. Not even sure what the hell she means.
Solar panels Hillary, really?

Make her stop talking...please..
I'm voting for Mr. Donald Trump. I actually like him very much. I believe he truly wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. He is a good man.

I also believe all the candidates, excluding HC, are all good people wanting to fix our broken economy, Terrorism and all the other awful problems facing AMERICAN's today. They just all have a different way of going about it and I trust Trump the best out of the pack with my Grand Children's lives on the line.

This is a VERY serious time in ALL of our lives. I just hope I am making the right choice.


Agreed. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Damn,,,i guess we are the only ones left over here. Everybody took their toys and went home. Where is Rose? Come back Rose we miss you.
A Trump Hater.....
PIERS MORGAN: When it comes to terror, isn’t it time we started listening seriously to Trump?
that made me lol.. thinking about the daily show the other night; they were talking about some threat analyst that came out and said trump is a bigger threat to americans than terrorism..
was a pretty funny bit :D wish i could find a youtube clip :(

*the source it came from *Rothschilds* make me actually have more -some- faith in trump though ;)
Howdy folks. Yall can come on here but dont talk crap about my boy Trump or ill kick your ***.
Wait,,,wait for it,,,wait for it,,,okay,,,let me have it Sissies. :rofl: just playing,,just thought id get things going. Yehaaaaaaaaa
WH to be honest, I'm concerned. Country is in a bad way, and I have not seen anyone yet that has the answer, well they have the answer but it's not going to happen.

Got to either shake the tree of liberty or live with bought politicians. Don't tell me Trump does not owe anyone, there is a reason he is running, and I have not figured out who is to gain from it yet, the DNC is gonna shove HC down throats and the GOP is hatching stupid plans to take the nomination from Trump....crazy world we live in, just waiting to see where all the pieces fall into place.
Who the hell knows Bro,,,i choose Trump because i cant stand any of the other Asshat Politicians. Im sick of Politicians and their politicaly correct bull crap. He cant do any worse then these other idiots. Anyway,,we will see what happens. Like i said long time ago,,its a win win for me eather way. I am a Democrat voting for Trump cause i can not stand Hillary and i know Bernie cant and wont do **** with a Republican held House and Senate. So if Trump wins,,,cool,,,if he doesnt,,the Republican party will be destroyed, ,that is also a win for me. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Even if it wasnt private,,these little basterds have no business acting like morons and thinking its okay to jack up someones right to free speach.
When your step your *** into a crowd of thousands upon thousands of hard working men and women and treat them like crap,,you are asking to get your butt kicked. Why is everyone so upset and shocked that ppl are standing up for themselves. Thats what makes America,,,America. We need to be Patriots again,,Kick your *** Americans, ,,ready to die for what we believe in.
If not ,,,,,we might as well be from a 3rd world Country .

Yes!! Well said.
Thank You Dog. I personally am sick to death of these Politicians talking crap behind close doors and then acting like it didnt happen. Remember when Romney got busted talking about the poor when he didn't think anybody would find out,,,I work in Federal buildings and have heard the language Judges and others ( ill leave that one alone) and let me tell,,,they can be some mean nasty asshats. But heaven forbid Donald Trump tells you straight up what he and Millions of other ppl are thinking and wanting to say. Its all bullcrap,,you know it and i know it. Hell ive heard Pastors talking more crap then Donald Trump. Lol
Screw these Islamic Basterds,,,and to hell with with Mexico and their bullshit. We are Americans and we better start acting like it again,,and wake the hell up,,before there is no America or an American Dream left to fight for.
America welcomes people from all over the world. They are vetted. Our terrorists of late have been home grown. I will say again Donald Trump has no plan. He has no world view. If he did he would know alienating muslims are a bad security plan. I see no ethics in him. If he and Cruz are the best this country has to offer then my depression is warranted.

WH, i am sick of you swearing. Please stop.
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