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Birdie Sanders. Ha ha! I love his smile. :)

I have no idea what the trump thing is at the end. :p

That just made me so happy. I love his kindness and joy about the bird, a sign from the universe....

SM, in Wa state we go to a school, or whatever and all the bernie supporters go to one corner and etc each candidate and you talk to your neighbors and try to get them to go your way..
I sure wish Bernie would beat Hillary, ,,even it it meant Bernie beating Trump.. i can not stand that lying *** women Hillary. I truly do like Bernie and think he is a good guy,,,and would vote for him if i thought he could get anything done in Washington, ,,i just cant see the Republicans letting him do anything, ,,especially as pissed as they would be after losing another Election. I am a Trump Supporter, ,,but i truly do not have a problem with Bernie. Dont care for some of his asshat supporters,,,but i dong blame him no more then i blame Trump for some of the idiots that support him. I wish yall luck with your Canadate. Dont hate on Weedhopper for my choice. I respect you for your choice,,,i only ask for the same. If Bernie beats Hillary, ,,i will be a happy basterd,,just to see Hillary go down in flames. If he does and he beats Donald, ,,i will support him 100%.
Also if the Republican party destroys itself trying to keep the ppls choice Trump from being the Republican Nominee, ,,i will also be a happy basterd.
70% of women do not like trump..ya gotta be a woman I guess to understand how much we don't like him.
He may win all 3 of those state SM....... How is the cat Hammy?

He is on the mend. He is able to walk again but is still wobbly. His equilibrium is still a bit off but seems to be getting a little better each day. Biggest problem now is he is not eating much. A little here and there. Might need to go back to the Vet for a steroid shot to help him eat. The Vet must love me. She already got me for a little over 600 bucks.
Hamster I hope he gets all the way better soon. I just hand the vet my cc and worry about it later. Hammy wasn't the bird landing on Sanders podium about the coolest thing ever? I loved how in the moment he was and how it delighted him. I was delighted.
Well damn, I'll be waiting a long time because of the time

How wrong am I! Results coming in now. Sanders is kicking azz.
Just saying the two states I have lived in are feeling the bern!!! WOOHOOOOO I think this calls for the banana on the lama.:lama::lama::lama:
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