I pledge to vote for James Alan Doe.
I am voting for James because I believe he is qualified to lead this country in a way that I believe will provide for a better today for all of us and will pave a way for a better tomorrow for our children and our children's children.
The reason I believe this and the reason I support James Doe for President is as follows:
He currently serves on the following committees:
save the whales
Fund dumb as* kids
Give this to them
And, I believe all those committees provide for a better America in a way that I believe I would do if I were President. I am well informed about and I believe in a majority of the policies and the actions of those committees.
James Doe recently sponsored the following House Bills that I believe will provide for a better America.
HB 42.1: That crap about small business
HB 123.54: Something about deer and eating meat
HB 231.2: Some other crap that I really really believe in
James Doe has voted on the following House Bills as I would have voted myself, after reading and understanding the bill, in it's entirety.
HB this and HB that. And, you better know his stand on ALL the HBs and how he voted.
And, if you think this is a lot to know about your candidate, keep in mind that it is YOUR responsibility to be informed about the candidate that you support. This information IS available to anyone with an internet connection.
I would give up a left lemon to hear SOMEONE.... ANYONE actually support their candidate in the manner above.
All ANYONE has said in this entire thread is a parrot of what they heard on the television news. It's not the American people who are deciding who to vote for. You're being programmed (with VERY LIMITED information) to make your decision for you. You are being told the "truth" and you believe all of it. LOL
Not ONE person has mentioned what their candidate will do for America. Only that Hillary is a crook. Or that this guy is a commie or that guy is queer. OMG... no wonder this country is in it's decline. LOL
This isn't a Presidential election.... it's games at the 21st century coliseum.
Anyone know how Hillary voted on ANY issue. And, do you agree or disagree with her vote. LMAO
We should just let ABC, CBS and NBC all play paper, rock, scissors to decide who sits on the throne. LMAO
What a joke. And, to think that people actually get angry and upset over this.