FUM said:
We smell up the whole block with our greenhouse. I enjoy the aroma(s) of marijuana and don't understand why some find it so offensive. The " Lemon Skunk " plant smelled a whole lot more after she was cut down. People driving down I-5 can smell marijuana in their cars especially around Eugene area. Oregon loves it's weed. Peace out.
High Group,
Last Friday, a friend of mine, in another town, was "visited" by a low flying, circling chopper, which then 'parked' above his house, and hovered 200' off the ground, and 8 'military-garbed' Ct State Police Narcotics Task Squad officers. :holysheep:
They just cut done all of his 30-40, 6 - 7' tall plants and took 'em.
Very strange thing about the whole situation was that he wasn't arrested(???)
- How can that even be possible?
He's waiting 2 weeks, then should (probably ?) be arrested.
Watch those Smells, people.
'Other' people don't like that smell, and can TELL!
Stonedwoodsman :icon_smile: