twin 16 year olds(girls) two more years,, then out,( im done )i get my house ,my car ,,my life back ,, would not change the last 16 years for anything ,but man im tired,,,peace ,love ,rastafari
Don't blame you I got 14 years to go until I can say that. I have one leave in 10 years too. whew. but two twin GIRLS. man, you got any hair left???? Bet you got the shotgun loaded and ready to blast some kids nuts off huh. and drivers liscences, wow. Ok you win. hahahah
mutt no shot gun ,,,three savage pitbulls if i shoot them i face legal problems,,, dont deal well with legal bs,,,,, just let one of the dogs go ,,and the jobs done ,,,my dogs are my soldiers ,peace ,love ,,rastafari
twin 16 year olds(girls) two more years,, then out,( im done )i get my house ,my car ,,my life back ,, would not change the last 16 years for anything ,but man im tired,,,peace ,love ,rastafari
nah it dont stunt you growing case in point my brother in law he is 6 6 been smokin cigs plus weed sence he was 15 so yeah it dosent another case in pont me im 17 and im 5 11 when i was 14 i started smoking bud and i was 5 4
so yeah it dosent effec your growth
Started burnin' cigs before my teens and there's no telling how much bud Ive smoked..... six two..Middle weight IKF 13/0.....
What I do in my home is my business.
You guys are f-ing hilirious lol lol especially pkj are u serious bout 11' sumthing tall lol wtf did your parents feed you? lol i just got dont cheifing sum ak 47 in a rillo..mmm and got a lil sum sum for later..
but i started poking smot when i was 15 or so maybe 14 i was maybe 5'6'' give or take a few inches but im 24 now and im 6' 2''
The only side affect for me is the time it takes for me to be satisfied during sex. Forever and ever it takes. Great for the wife but)&*^&^ after an hour and a half I'm ready to go to "finish".
well iv been smoking cigarettes since i was 13 and pot since i was 14. today im a giant at 6'7" by the time i was 6'3" at age 15 i was trying everything i could think of to stunt my growth so no they wont stunt your growth.
i hear ya on the sex thing, if im high its like no mater how fast or whatever but i cant get off for like3 or 4 hours. same problem when im manually releaving the tension.
Nice, you guys do know that you just admitted you aren't 18+...LOL. If you're 15 I wouldn't be smoking anything or worrying about stunted growth. Like someone said just finish high school first then wreck your lungs....