Do you ever imagine what your fellow MP posters look like?

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Lmao @That crazy vancouver guy .....see thats why I said your the smartest one here.
smokinmom and the infamous priestofknowlage

smokin mom.jpg

smart guy.jpg
I dont have peircings or tats!

But i bet ur not a wrinkles prune either
Icex420 said:
I dont have peircings or tats!

But i bet ur not a wrinkles prune either

Well time to go out and get marked and pieced..:hubba:
I thought Bud uncle was this real smart guy who spoke all the languages on earth...
Here's what I think he'd look like...

slowmo77 said:
sorry smokin mom. you missed again. picture Silent Bob with blue eyes, dark blonde hair and a dark blonde beard at 6'6 tall. thats me.

You sound hot!!! :p

Anyway here's painterdude...

Ok so its not really, but just thought it was funny.

Hope everyone having a good thursday :D

this thread is so funny that fat lad with fuglife on one of his 10 bellies and that goon with the looks like false nose and saucers in his ears.

well funny.

anyway i look like a cross between brad pitt and an ugly fella



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