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Dec 27, 2020
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Vermont USA
Once young plants are established, our next hurdle are the deer. Although they won’t touch flowering plants, deer love plants in veg stage. I once lost an entire years crop to the herbivores. In Vermont we call them hooved rats. A simple solution is an effective deterrent. We use Bobbex, a liquid available on Amazon, works great, even after a rain. Spray it on, let it dry, done. Highly recommended.
I would not use that on a crop I am going to be smoking or anyone else for that matter
I looked it up, the area around the plant should be fine but not the plant itself , the product is designed to stick and not be washed off by rain.
From their web site
Bobbex should NOT be used directly on edibles, including vegetables, fruits, and herbs. While Bobbex is made with 100% natural and safe ingredients, it is NOT intended for human consumption, and can permanently taint the taste of any edible vegetation that it comes in contact with.

Bobbex CAN be used to provide limited protection around the perimeter of edible vegetation.
An old trick I heard of (never tried it) was to place clumps of human hair around the plants.
You would have to have a barber shop connection for the trimmings - or shave your wife's head.

A guy with a green thumb told me about it years ago.
If the deer are truly wild - it may work. If they are housing development deer - well fed and no fear of humans - all bets are off.

Naturally you will have to refresh the hair clumps after it rains.
Guys around here make cages out of chicken wire. One they're past the veg state, cages come off.

I think the real trick for guerilla cropers are lots of plants in lots of places. Can't get 'em all!
There are alot of deer where I grow I have never had a problem , I have been forced to put wire cages 2 feet high because of rabbits but deer has never been a problem
7mm mag did wonders for my deer problem... only thing was what to do with 50 pounds of venison jerky every time I killed one..
7mm mag did wonders for my deer problem... only thing was what to do with 50 pounds of venison jerky every time I killed one..
Send some my way LOL
Jake do you trim the fat real good, deer fat is tuff on me.

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