Found it on a web searchYou get that from my facebook page?
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Found it on a web searchYou get that from my facebook page?
I was joking : )Found it on a web search
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Me too crash you have my sympathy vote for all you’ve been thru keeping it on the up,sideYou have my sympathy if not my vote. You sure have had a rough go of it. I admire your positive outlook.
Water blasting is what I use. You have to do it every other day for a couple weeks to get rid of them but it works. Had them on a tomato plant and in two weeks they were gone,,,,but I caught them early because I watch very carefully on all my veggies.
I've used the strips to eradicate an exceptionally bad infestation of dog pecker gnats. Worked like a charm with no ill results. Thank Buddha I've never been attacked by the Borg.I put a no-pest strip in the grow room 18 hours ago, turned off the vent fans and side light, and dimmed the main light enough to keep the temperature under 90. It was actually 84 when I got home, so I can afford a little more light next time. RH was 76% which is worrying, but hopefully OK for short periods?
No bugs anywhere. I checked many leaves on and off the plant. There were some eggs, but no bugs. And no powdery mildew from the increased humidity. The pest strip seems to work as advertised. I will do it again Saturday night to hopefully kill the new hatchlings.
Of course, now I'm on the hook to keep them going for a few days after I put the strip in there to make sure any residue has fully broken down. Rinsing the buds at harvest time was a given the first time I sprayed soap on them. Speaking of soap, I will hit them again with it tomorrow, and maybe some neem oil on Saturday.
The plants outside gave up a few more leaves to the search for mites effort, and I saw none. I think they like their evening hose offs. I don't even wrap the pot in plastic anymore, just spray them where they sit. They are all drinking so much water a little extra isn't going to hurt them.
So no mites were found on any plant, weed or veggie. My tomatoes had (emphasis on had) some leaves with brown spots and black dots on the back. I dunno what that is, but it isn't spider mites. They will get a more thorough hosing off tonight anyway.
As long as the FO has his shit together. Sometimes friendly fire ain't friendly.Always loved our Friend Arty
There is absolutely no reason you can't use the ones you don't want to smoke to make butter or tinctures. The decarbing process will take care of any borg or borg eggs. Eating bugs? You do it every day. That, and rat feces.Working from home today, so I have been doing everything telecommuters pretend they don't do. That is, I've done little work and spent my morning mostly in the garden and away from the computer. Of course, unlike other telecommuters I will actually (more than) make up the time.
So the little runt has finally come to the end. I took a close look at the main stalk and spotted lots of black looking spots of about half its buds. And there was some webbing in several places, though not like the borg makes. I thought I had better images than these which make it look less scary than it was.
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I began cutting those parts off, then decided I didn't want to smoke anything from that branch, and chopped the whole thing off.
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From there is was an easy decision to harvest the rest of the plant, put it and me out of our misery : )
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It's about three ounces total. Would have been double that with the main stalk, but no thanks. I wasn't nursing it along and battling the borg for bud anyway.
Congratulations on your daughter’s degree CrashI see amber! Took forever to go from clear to cloudy with all the bug damage, but suddenly I'm starting to see amber trichomes. None this morning, and maybe 2% tonight. When it gets to 5%, chop chop. I feel like going at the grow room with a flame thrower!
I made a video, but it turned out really dark and useless. The air powered mister looks really impressive with leaves getting blown in all directions from the underside and water dripping from everything. RH was over 80% when I finished. Unfortunately, a couple of hours after I hit the plants with it, I found two spots on several leaves. I want to blast-mist everything with alcohol, but I think that would dissolve the trichomes?
On a side note, no bowls smoked tonight. My daughter got her law degree from W&M this afternoon. There just isn't a better high than being a part of that.
True story... My wife and daughter vacationed in Australia when my daughter was 11 (I was stuck working on a contract with a short deadline). After petting some Kangaroos at a zoo, she discovered kangaroo on the menu in a restaurant. She returned home a freaking vegan and stayed vegan for 7 long years! Not a fan of kangaroos : )Congratulations Mate
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