Yep,,sure sounds tasty.
G13 ---I bet it was one of them bastid sites that banned me ! --
Yep,,sure sounds tasty.
Had to go read up on Jeff Sessions -- 1st hide your weed get your name off a growers if it's on one !-- This man is a piece of work !-- Who da hell picked him for that job anyway ? -- Oh !-- Never mind !
Morning Sunshine !-- I know these things and don't like what I see !-- So far the man has followed Hitler play book step by step with a little of Italy's Mussolini thrown in !-- We in a world of hurt unless he thinks he is above the law and finds out he's not !-- I told D.D. I hope no one shoots him cause then we would be stuck with Pence !-- I just hope when it falls apart somehow we can put it back together !--If he doesn't become King Donald !-- Cause fall apart it will !-- Like I said we just witnessed an American Coop !-- Like what happened in Dallas when I was a child !--JFK wanted to end the war in Viet Nam but there was too much money to be made sending soldiers to die !-- Here we go again !
dems keep the same peeps in power who have run the party into the ground over the last 8 years.......... stuff like I'm with her......... REALLY!........ unless y'all want lots more of this pick better candidates........ liars and socialist ain't cutting it......... keep thinking it's the fake news and they'll continue to lose......... dems are no longer the party for the working man........ they're getting their marching orders from the elite rich...... same place all Hillary's war chest money came from......... over a billion dollars couldn't get peeps to vote her.
Yall find a safe place and eat some chocolate. Whin whin whin. You guys are funny as hell. And i dont care if this thread gets shut down. Course it wont because ppl love to talk crap about Donald and thats okay,,right. Thought we were not going to allow Politics to be discussed on MP anymore! What happened to that rule that got my threads shut down. Oh yeah, ,,i believe they call that DOUBLE STANDARDS.
Ppl shot the Mods PMs till they got both my threads shut down,,but this is okay,,,why?
Oh yeah,,its because im a Trump supporter and i was right on the money. He will be our President for tbe next 8 yrs. Chew on that for awhile.
I'm not sure legal MJ would benefit keef or orange......... be careful what you wish for........ Dems worst nightmare is Trump is successful......... nails in the coffin......... keep talking the PC babble....... putting Hollywood elites on camera complaining and undermining everything he does........... calling everybody behind him a raciest and you'll get 8 years of him.
I'm not a dem. !-- I'm just mostly Anti Trump !-- 8 years ? -- Like I said he don't give up power willingly !-- Might get more than 8 years of Donald !-- I can't see him stepping aside if he lost an election !-- U gonna get what U want G. !-- One country under Donald ! - The argument is over U won !-- We do things Donalds way !-- Generals --Billionaires and Cronies !-- Yep ! --They gonna care about the little guy ?
The country spends 8 years trying to recover and pay the debt incurred by Bush and U blame the guy who was fixing it !-