Ok everything is in and powered on:yay: ..... Plants are in as well and old growroow has been decommissioned....
Tall skinny area is the Veg/MOM area 400 watt MH
Long Tall area is the Flower Area 600 watt MH (for now, still vegging) HPS for flower
Cover is white poly with black on outside. I can roll it up and down for easy access to the grow. Velcro lines the sides.
Temperatures are around 75 throughout the grow.
almost done, now comes the tweaking. Screen will be installed in the flower area today. Flower area will be SCROG.
As far as Stealth goes I can hear a faint HUM in the garage, it is from my carbon sock system, the fan is just extremely loud. I will be installing Sound Board to dim the humming noise, other than that you cant see it, hear it, or smell it....