Complete noob; Creating a grow Space

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The legalization of commercial hemp nationwide is a boon for growers in prohibition states -- It is impossible to tell the difference between hemp and the fine weed we grow in the vegative state !-- I was trying to take some heat off the new grower -- Don't sweat it until U start seeing that frosty goodness -- Up until then It's hemp !
That's great to know. So ordering seeds, having them delivered and possessing them, even in prohibition Texas, is legal?
Legal shmeagal -- I would not say yes but if U could get in trouble for getting seed in the mail I got a list of people I'd send seed !-- This is Texas it is against the law to even say the word marijuana !-- No dude - If U gonna worry about legal in Texas pack it in now !-- I think of prohibition as more of a suggestion than a law !-- Rules for not getting caught -- No tell -- No smell and No sell !--
Nick got caught growing last year -- He's not in Texas but that's about what U can expect if U get caught !-- He can tell U about it or not !-- It can get expensive !- U get caught U can go to jail !

U got the guts for this ?
Actually that is not entirely correct. While weed is still illegal in Texas at the State level (and Federal) it has been de-criminalized in many Texas Counties. So it really depends on which county you live in. Here is Harris County, a person can be caught with as much as 4 ounces and all they can do is take it from you. There is no ticket, no court date and no mark on your record. Been like that for a couple of years now. Now I am not exactly sure how cannabis plants fit in the mix, but what i do know is law enforcement officials in this county have stated they will devote no resources what so ever to persons prepossessing for personal use.

Here is an article from a few years ago that discusses it.
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So yes, it probably is technically still illegal to grow where I am at. But for someone like me, at most I will have 2-3 plants going, they are not interested in me. This is within my comfort range or I would not have started down this road at all.
M- Good deal !-- Growing it is different than possession !- I relocated to Texas after Katrina !--Harris county ?-- I grew up in Conroe just north of there in Montgomery county !-- I'm East north east of there now !- I been growing on Padre Island out of Corpus for about 5 years ?-- I'm a water pharmer- aero under LEDs !-- I'm helping the nephew set up a grow but ﹰI'm going to look at a remote 3 bedroom moble home this weekend - One bedroom for veg one for bloom and one to sleep in !-- I do a 4 part rotation of plants that will finish in about 60 days -- Move something to bloom every 2 weeks and after 2 months they start coming out of bloom for harvest every 2 weeks !--
Don't get too paranoid around here I been here 5 years or more and if they were hunting growers here they missed me !--
I keep my head down sometimes !--Oh I got some monsters growing Cuz !-- Most of them Texas born and bred !-- At one time lots of high class seed were passing thru my hands -- I kept a share of many then started doing some breeding !--
Ended up kinda going my own way !-- My chit don't got no fancy names but they ancestors all did !- Hang out awhile - trust grows slow around here but it grows -- Get this crop from the seed U ordered and maybe I can find U some Texas seed to grow after that ?--
Yeah, I know what you mean brother. trust is hard, both ways. But that is OK. For now its great to have access to your knowledge. If down the road the opportunity presents itself then great. But it does not have to.

For now I am just experimenting. Like I said in my first post. What I am doing here is building knowledge because prohibition in this country is ending. Before our very eyes. Recreational is already legal in something for like 30% of the population. There is no stopping it now, because businesses and local governments are making too much money. I am positive the next president will take pot off schedule 1 status. The next big state to fall is gonna be Florida. Medical passed there in 2016 by almost 70%. Recreational is being put on the ballot for next cycle. I believe it'll pass, either then or next one. When it does I am gonna be ready. I'm gonna move back to Florida, where my family lives and open up a dispensary. My family already has land perfect for a small farm. I will grow my own and sell it perfectly legal at my bud store. The retire and ride off into the sunset. At least that is the plan.
Good luck to U on that !-- We got some people in Florida if U get there and need contacts !-- I'm ride it out here !-- I want to live long enough to see it legal in my own land !-- I don't have to play in the legal sandbox but I'd like to do that !--
The cost of setting up a legal operation are way beyond my means -- $250,000 licence or permit cost per year -- Could cost more than a million dollars before by get your 1st seed wet !
Thanks man. I don't know if it'll cost that much. It doesn't cost that much to open a bar or pool hall. Those are my original ideas. But maybe it does. Hell once its legal you will be able to get banks to finance you. Wouldn't THAT be something to see. LOL The point is I am planning my retirement. I will have the cash to open a business of some kind in 5 years. If the dispensary is a no go then it'll be something else. Whatever it is, in 5 years when I turn 55 I am taking early retirement and getting out of this fucking rat race I am in.

Getting good contacts in Florida and here would be great. Sometime down the road I might go grab a drink somewhere.
Hey guys, Thanks everyone for your help.

Because of the nature of this forum I have decided to create a new account with a name that isn't so close to my real name. I will still be around almost daily as I get my new space all set up. See you'll on the other side.

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