Cloning question

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New Member
Jan 27, 2009
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Hey everyone,

I am planning on my first season of cultivation this summer. I have read extensively on the subject of outdoor cultivation for the past two years so I think I'll be ready this year to give it a try. My only concern is that after the season is over, I'd prefer to make some clones and negate on purchasing seeds next season.

Is it possible to keep clones from October to July without them growing into larger plants under a florescent lamp?

you bet..just back of her nutes give minimum lighting and a good size ( 5 gallon ) will be fine..oh and 18/6 light cycle im sure you know..Glad to hear someone thats done some research..:welcome: to the site..good luck :bolt::bong:
Thanks for your reply. I was actually hoping to keep the plants really small, like six inches or under. The reason being is that I have no real place to keep the plants during the year since I'm away at school, and can't keep a dozen three feet monsters in my college dorm room :hubba:

If theres no way to keep them at like 6-8 inches without inducing growth then I suppose I'll need to keep purchasing seeds; or make my own.
i dunno m8.. trying to keep an 8 month old plant 8 inches (while still being healthy) might be a feat.

your best bet may be to just keep a male, and pollinate a lady for some seeds. (if you feel comfortable doing this)

no friends who could take care of clones or anything?
Haha, no none of my friends know anyone who grows or cultivates. They recieve their stash from a distributor. I think I'll just keep a male and make some seeds.

ya its gonna be real hard to keep them that size. you'd be better off makin seeds like has already been said so i guess i have nothing useful to add.
Culexus_91 said:
If theres no way to keep them at like 6-8 inches without inducing growth then I suppose I'll need to keep purchasing seeds; or make my own.

My Bonsai Mother

6-8" is pushing it but with a little work you can Bonsai Marijuana plants with great success.............................

new 523.jpg

6-8 inches is TOUGH!!!.. if you can manage a foot.... that is a LOT more workable... dont forget, if she get a lil out of control and grows a lil too much... just whack her into smaller pieces and clone her again..... get her back to that small size..... IF you got a NICE female that produces good.... don't lose those genetics..... If she is just average but known female.. buy new seed and look for that AMAZING Pheno.
just be carefull if you're keeping a male and growing outdoors.. i don't know the exact distance, but male pollen can travel quite a ways.
gonna have to try to not let him pollinate them all.

and bud uncle, that second pic is sweet.. you grow that? (how much soil is it in?)
yeah id keep the male from releasing its pollen and keep a couple unopened pollen sacks then destroy the rest then use the unopened pollen sacks to pollinate the female you want to gently open the pollen sack with plastic bag rapped around area you plan to pollinate then try to contain most of the pollen thus greatly reducing chance of pollen spreading if plants are spread out

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