Cleaner for walls?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2009
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I am almost done creating my grow closet. I was wondering what type of cleaner should I spray on my walls to disinfect them before putting up my aluminum mylar? I am assuming it is bad to use just any hosehold cleaner, but I'm not sure.
dont know if it actually does anything but i use a strong simple green mix
get some tea tree oil mix 2ml to 2 cups water apply with mister ))this will clean everything well,and will also give lasting protection against mold, powdery mildew,fungus,bacteria and it is organic non-toxic )):D

good day
If you paint, dont use the room for about 7 to 10 days. To let the fumes dissipate. First I vacuumed the walls to get the construction dust off, than I mixed a bleach solution(1/2 & 1/2), used a big towel & washed the walls down, than installed the mylar.:D
BuddyLuv said:
.....edit- I have been smoking bubble hash all day so if someone has caught AIDS while banging their partner with a condom sprayed with 10:1 water/bleach. I apologize for my statement.

:spit: :rofl:
BuddyLuv said:
.....edit- I have been smoking bubble hash all day so if someone has caught AIDS while banging their partner with a condom sprayed with 10:1 water/bleach. I apologize for my statement.

:spit: :laugh: :rofl: :cry: :rofl: :rofl: :cry: :rofl: :laugh: :rofl:
For those who paint their walls..

is there any residual smell on the walls, after you take down a grow?

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