CCC - Canadian Cultivators Club

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hey all thanks for stoppin in
was blazing the bong all day im a bit pooped :bong:
Hey Guys
Like The Idea
I Was Born In Canada But Moved All Over
Did 2 Years Of High School In Jamaica Then Moved Back To Canada
bah, get outta here ya kiwi :p

so any canadians here actually know what the laws/penalties are when it comes to MJ?
i know seeds are legal, as they contain no THC.. but after that, seems it's all jibberish (no wonder nothing is really enforced, nobody knows what the laws are)

i read it's all the same from 1-199 plants.. pretty dumb if true.
i hate laws regarding plant numbers too.. really 1 plant could harvest 1 gram, or it could harvest many pounds.. i've seen 1 plant take up a 20X20' greenhouse before. /end my random rant of the day.
good question, and no i have no clue.
maybe phatpharmer will have an idea.
ive lived in this province my whole life and have
NO idea what the laws are regarding marijuana
Happy Canada Day! I don't know the exact laws other than you can have an OZ (28g) and get only a fine for simple possesion! The other thing I know is the courts aren't giving people much time for growing, A close friend of mine got caught with 10LB's of primo Bud he got released within four hours with a promise to appear notice, and when he did end up going to court he ended up with 1 years probation and 5000$ fine thats it and he had a bad *** record!

Well on another topic I'll be posting some pics of my latest grow I have 12 C99 and 1 Ultimate Indica ready to go into flower by July 6th plus I have 12 C99 that are 20 days into flower I'll post pics in a couple hours so stay tuned! LOL

Heres a few pics of what i got going right now
its a local strain i have no information on.
theyre looking a bit haggard but could be worse :eek:



Whats up guy's I couldn't make it to the flowering Room in time for pics but here are some pics of my next set of girls to flower! There's 11 C99 and 1 UI all in 2gal pots, they have an average hieght of 8 to 11 inches as soon as the smallest one is 14 inches they are going in to flower mode! Which should be no more than 7 to 10 days! The first 2 pics are UI the rest are C99! Enjoy and stay tuned for tonight at about 2am I'll post the flowering Girls!:hubba:








i dont know what the laws r. i just know that the usa laws are too deadly on mj cultivators
its almost like they want to hang you for growing a little weed

Well I hope everyone enjoyed there Canada's Day, I didn't do much watch Free Agent Frenzy for 5Hrs on TSN, lots of big signings and surprises but not the time or place to discuss this so on to the good stuff!

I said earlier I'd post some pics of my flowering C99, well here they are as well as some of the cuttings I took 10 days ago they rooted so I planted them there's 11, 4 UI and 7 C99 I'm waiting on 25 more C99 to show roots as well as 3 more UI I want to have these ready for my 1000w on August 1st so it shouldn't be a problem! The first 8 pics are C99 20 days into flower, 9th and 10th pics are of all the C99 in the flower chamber and finally the last 2 are cuttings planted today! Enjoy the pics:hubba:













gorgeous, just gorgeous.
do you only flower one UI at a time
cause of how sedative the smoke is? :hubba:
I just got UI for my B-Day in May so This will be the first time I've flowered the UI personally, my buddy has been growing it for years! We used to just trade strait up my C99 for his UI but he's at his cottage in another province until November so I thought I would grow it and see how I do!


PS. Donofchronic you got some nice ladies yourself there Bud!
Whats up peoples, As some of you have Known I'm a huge C99 fan I've collected C99 and C99 crosses as well, I currently have 5 different C99 and crosses in my personal seedbank, Well a chap named Mosca Negra is just as dedicated to C99 he's bred C99 for years using different C99 lines, well his hard work is paying off! If your interested in C99 check out Mosca Negra you won't be disappointed! If you want more info on Mosca and his work check out ICmag and look at the bottom of the page in the breeders section, its a very good read! I'm currently the high bidder on 3 of his auctions at the bay, C99Bx1, C99 F1, and Sonic Fly which is a C99x with unknown strain he's entering the Cannabis Cup with Sonic Fly so he doesn't want to indulge to much info until the cup's over but he say's its a cup winner!

Thanks for listening to me blather about sweet Cindy, I'm like a kid in a candy store with no one to share with!

haha dude its so hard hearing about all this great cindy
you have, i wish i could smoke some or even grow some out.
maybe one day we can actually get together somewhere even just us two if nobody else is interested and have a nice session
sounds intense though, if you get any of those mosca crosses
id be more than thrilled to see pics of em
Sounds good to me, I love sharing my fine Herb! If I win these auctions I will be thrilled but some people have unlimited budgets , If I do win I'll definitely do a Journal! Hopefully we can get together at a pot friendly cafe or at rally or something along those lines, the more the better!

Looking good there Phatpharmer, im thinking you and this Mosca chap wanna breed some strains between u. That'd probably be the best C99's with all those years of C99 dedication you both have. :aok:

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