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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2023
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Caterpillars just started attacking my granddaddy purple which just went into flower. I only saw one but i did see the cotton nest. Ive read where Monterey BT insecticide spray is the stuff to use?? The other p[roblem is my platinum cookies which looks overwatered?
Thanks guys - i'll try and get clearer pics.View attachment IMG_4914.JPG


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Cat eggs under the leaf
Dang I would risk the BT. You are just starting flower? I always try DE first but it takes several days. I do have BT on hand just incase the DE does not help. Worms are the worst. They will bore into the buds and kill the entire plant.
It doesn’t work against every type of bug, but this is one of the most effective ways to kill caterpillars and won’t hurt most beneficial insects. As a bonus, it can also kill some other cannabis pests like worms and moths.

If you see caterpillar damage, try a “BT” spray. It’s very safe and makes it so caterpillars can’t eat.

Example of leaf damage inflicted by a caterpillar / inch worm on a marijuana leaf

Apply a caterpillar BT spray as soon as you see leaf damage, caterpillars or caterpillar poop. BT sprays work best on small caterpillars that are actively eating your leaves. Repeat every week for as long as you’re still seeing caterpillars, though you can give BT more often if there’s a heavy infestation. Make sure to thoroughly mist both the tops and bottoms of leaves and apply again after a heavy rain (since that will wash the BT away).

Recommended: Monterey BT Spray
(though any caterpillar BT product will work!)
Get BT spray on Amazon!

Or save some money in the long run by getting the concentrated version with a mister.

BT products work well on caterpillars, and are safe for most beneficial insects! A One-Hand Pressure Sprayer is perfect for misting plants

Since BT is harmless to humans, you can use BT products up to the day of harvest! One thing to keep in mind is BT spray almost instantly stops caterpillars from being able to eat, but doesn’t kill them directly. So, although you may see the caterpillars alive and apparently unharmed after spraying, the BT is still doing its dirty work because they’re slowly starving to death.
Spinosad is an awesome weapon against caterpillars. It removed severe infestations with a single application it is amazing with a pleasant soil smell. God bless Paul Stammets i think it was the name of the guy who isolated it first.

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