What is cannabis leaf spot disease?
Leaf spot disease is a common disease of cannabis plants. In this disease, the leaves of cannabis begin to grow dry, dark brown spots that can grow to swallow the entire leaf. Cannabis plants that have developed leaf spot disease will not directly cause death, but their growth will be stunted and the harvest of flower heads will be much less.
Leaf spot disease is caused by excessive watering. Excessive watering can cause fungal infections, and nematodes can carry these spotted fungi and bacteria. This may also be a sign of overnutrition, especially nitrogen, or a sign of plants growing under HID lamps overheating.
There are some sprays that can be purchased to combat leaf spot, but it is recommended to avoid excessive use of these sprays.
Like preventing any disease or pest, the key to preventing leaf spot is to maintain a clean and well-maintained growth space. Make sure that the growth room is not too humid and keep the leaves dry when watering to avoid fungal growth.
Cannabis leaf spot symptoms
Recognizing this leaf spot disease in hemp is easy because the leaves will have obvious dry spots that are brown or black. The spots may continue to spread on the leaves until they are completely dry and fall off. Remove the spotted part to prevent the symptoms from spreading.
Leaf spot disease is a common disease of cannabis plants. In this disease, the leaves of cannabis begin to grow dry, dark brown spots that can grow to swallow the entire leaf. Cannabis plants that have developed leaf spot disease will not directly cause death, but their growth will be stunted and the harvest of flower heads will be much less.
Leaf spot disease is caused by excessive watering. Excessive watering can cause fungal infections, and nematodes can carry these spotted fungi and bacteria. This may also be a sign of overnutrition, especially nitrogen, or a sign of plants growing under HID lamps overheating.
There are some sprays that can be purchased to combat leaf spot, but it is recommended to avoid excessive use of these sprays.
Like preventing any disease or pest, the key to preventing leaf spot is to maintain a clean and well-maintained growth space. Make sure that the growth room is not too humid and keep the leaves dry when watering to avoid fungal growth.
Cannabis leaf spot symptoms
Recognizing this leaf spot disease in hemp is easy because the leaves will have obvious dry spots that are brown or black. The spots may continue to spread on the leaves until they are completely dry and fall off. Remove the spotted part to prevent the symptoms from spreading.