Can anyone teach an old seed a new trick.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Dixie land
I recieved 20 of the free south african durban poison x skunk that are suposed to be old seeds and hard to germinate. Whats everyones view on the best way to germminate old seeds. When i am trying to get better grem rate from seeds im unsure about and am going to plant in soil, i have had good luck with this. I like to build a rectangle box around 2 feet by 4 feet but any varyation will work. It needs to be around 15 inches deep. leave the bottom open place it on the ground in your grow area. This is for outdoor grows. Fill it with 4 or 5 inches of good rich dirt. Make sure its in direct sun. Plant your seeds and cover with bisqueen or clear seethrough plastic. The seeds will jump out of the ground in what seems like half the time. The plants will also grow faster and healthyer. By the time there a foot tall they will have a stalk as big as a pencil. when the plants are almost touching the plastic remove it and move your plants to your holes. Its Best to just scoop your hand under the plants taking dirt and all the roots with it either to the holes or your pots which ever you choose. I like to use thumb tacks to hold the plastic tight and secure. You might want to wear gloves as not to leave fingerprints on the plastic or thumbtacks. This is my favorite way to germ hard to grem seeds but i would love to hear your ideas. Slim
I got the same bonus from the seed bank. :)

Mine germ'd just fine. I placed 3, all 3 cracked and are doing well. I just used the wet paper towel and ziplock method. I put them in a dark drawer and forgot about them for a few days. Easy as pie. Good luck!
I made sure all the air was out too. Just wet towel and seed in air.
I put paper towels in a tuperwear container and put the beans in. Placed it ontop of my cable box and let it sit there for a few days. Checked on it and had 4/5 beans with 1/2" taproots.

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