Calling Honey-Oil Experts

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2006
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First off, Let me just say I hate this forum. I came on here two hours ago to ask this quick question and got caught up reading all the wonderful things everyone writes (Essay contest was very entertaining.) and now I'm behind on all my damn reading for class tomarrow. :D

Anyways, I have a rather strange dilema and need the advice of someone who is more experienced with Honey Oil than myself. So here it goes:

Just yesterday I was talking to my friend about honey oil. He said he'd never tried it but all of his friends who had tried it flipped out and got higher than they'd ever been. He was very surprised I hadn't tried it because of my reputation as a pretty heavy user of cannabis. Anyways that conversation came and went when later on that night my other friend called me up and said "Hey, guess what man. I just bought a tube of honey oil, its supposed to mess you up good" or something to that extent. I was excited and told him that after work I would be more than happy to try it out with him. So he came over and showed it to me. I only saw it in the light for a short period of time and I have a bad memory, but from what i remember, it was a rather clear liquid looking stuff, with a slight brown tint to it but nothing like honey. If water was a one and honey was a 10 I would give this stuff a 3. There was a very small section on the top of the vial which was about a 16th of an inch tall and was probably a 7 on the color scale. The smell was very unique and very familiar, although I cannot put a name on it. I would say it smelled something like a mix between vicks vapor rub and this incense I often smell in ocean beach in all the hippy stores and houses. It smelled nothing like cannabis in any way. Moving on, my friend had bought this little crack pipe thing just for the occasion (it was brand new).After i inspected it briefly, he proceeded to pour a little bit out into the hole in the crackpipe and then showed me how to go about smoking it. His dad had showed him earlier that day. After he hit it he complained of his throat constricting alot and he said he felt like he couldnt breathe. That was very strange to me since I know a fair bit about the vascodialating effects of THC and didn't understand how a smoother method of smoking would produce opposite effects. I have asthma so i let him use my rescue inhaler which he said immediately fixed them problem. He said he felt way better and was getting scared for a while since he couldnt breathe. I was a little skeptical to try it at this point, but being that i'd heard so much about it and wanted to try it so bad i figured i would be a fool to pass up this opprotunity. We proceeded to smoke it for a while more, neither of us feeling the throat constricting syndrome he had experienced. I waited a good 5 minutes and noticed I felt different for sure, but not stoned at all. I noticed a few things. At first, I had a feeling similair to drinking a large portion of coffee on an empty stomach. I felt a little bit uplifted, I had a bit more energy although barely noticeable, and i felt this vision thing coffee usually gives me where everything is just a little better. Remember these effects are still as subtle as coffee. After i waited a bit more maybe 15 minutes from the first hit, I figured this was as good as it was gonna get from this stuff. I was dissapointed, but curious at the same time. The effects had hieghtened now to where i felt like was in the first 20 minutes of an MDMA experience. Lights became much brighter, colors more vivid, I became kind of talkative, confident, I now felt substantially more energy and noticed it felt good to move my leg up and down almost nervously. We both confirmed each others feelings and we both responded almost the same way although i had smoked almost twice as much, and felt it more. We decided we needed to smoke actual weed. I had been wanting to all day but because i was looking forward to being sober for this new experience, I had witheld. After smoking actual weed, the normal high set in to a point, but never fully. It moreso enhanced the things we were already feeling times 10. I realized that i could smoke more than usual without getting burnt out. WE smoked around 8 - 10 bowls. This is alot for me, Usually one decent bowl each will have us feeling good. two or three each and we can usually barely move, getting burnt out and stoned feeling and not wanting to talk. This feeling was much different. I have no doubt if time handnt cut us short we could have smoked 10 more. I started thinking trippy thoughts like i used to when i first started smoking only i was thinking them faster and losing them before i could explain them or ponder them more. I also usually get that tired feeling when im thinking trippy things from weed and that was nowhere to be found. I was talking ALOT and felt very euphoric, very happy, and very confident in myself. Thats all the information i think I can possibly give. Oh yea, my friend called me after he left to go home and said he had to run from the cops and he ditched the pipe and the oil. He was out of breathe and very panicy when i talked to him, this was just before i want to bed so now there is no way i can get a better look at the stuff again or examine it. Anyways, So much for a quick question. WHat the hell did I smoke? I think it may have had some slight trace of thc since thie high was very vaguely reminiscant of a THC high but there was something else in there i think. Unless honey oil is just a very different high. I know the guy he got it from was big on selling coke for a while. I also read that honey oil should be honey colored hence the name. Anyone have any information?
Hey dude,
Yes Honey oil is a different kinda hi. I have made Butane Extracted honey oil. but...
I would never smoke it unless I knew who made it (and how it was made) or made it myself. If you use the wrong extraction stuff like impure butane (which contain Methyl Marcaptan) which is very nasty stuff. (its the stuff that makes propane and butane smell when it leaks). Those "foriegn chemicals" can cause all sorts of wierd side-effects and can really screw your organs, lungs, nervous system, all sorts of crap.

Be careful dude. There is a thread somewhere in the hash section that shows the mirror test on butane.

Edit: there is also still an ongoing debate about using PVC pipes and Butane. I myself avoid PVC and extraction. Stainless Steel for me. ;)
Yea, I've seen that mirror test thing before. I was a little skeptical but the guy he bought it from was smoking it so i knew it couldn't be to messed up of stuff, atleast knowingly bad. This is what makes drugs dangerous. With this fucking prohibition you have to buy anything you want from some gangster looking to make a quick buck at any one elses expense. Im just in a situation where I can't grow large enough quantities of bud to make anything like that unless i wanna use my whole harvest, then still no gaurantee I wont mess something up myself, but atleast I'd know what exactly I had.
Yeah..key word "knowingly bad"
Its the guys that "knows" just enough that end up screwing everyone else up. Most people don't do there homework and do what it takes to make sure its safe unfortunatley. I'd always be careful of anything that is extracted,refined,cut, or anything. Thats why I got outa the psychedelics man. Gettin Way to dirty. Not many take the pride in there work like they used to.
I'd stick to buyin your bud and staying clear of anything thats chemically refined. Until you get your grow going and start doing those things for yourself. ;)

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