Butane Question for Honey Oil

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Jul 7, 2008
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Where in Canada can I find a quality butane for making honey oil? What is it's name? I have made some before but the butane had evil stuff in it and ruined our experiment. We did have success one year but we can't find the same brand of butane any more.
I get mine at any fine cigar store/ smoke shop, the brand i use is either King or Nibo(i think it is called Nibo), both are very clean and you can get them in 6 oz cans which helps.

Good luck, but please do this outside and be safe, no smoking before or directly after
i used butane cans that had left over from a butane camp stoive and it was horrible smellin an tastin. upon further reading label it said it had odorant added to smell if any leaks ever. hence why it smelled an tasted bad. just look round and read labels and make sure it not got odorant added at the least.
yeah it is not a good idea to use the butane camping fuel because as you said it has odors added, but it also has other chemicals that are carcinegens added.
Quality butane will be at least triple refined, look on the lable it will say if it is.
yup, atleast, I think that the two brands I use are actually quadruple filtered, they are a bit more expensive then other brands but I want to use the best I can get
Colibri is a brand I h ave used many times to make my BHO....works very well with no bad tastes.

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Puffin can you please provide a link? I can't find them :)

BTW Likin' your new signature. Happy smokin'!

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