Hello, I am getting ready to set up my first grow room and any advise I can get would be great. It is a 10x10 room built inside my garage. I plan on running 2 or 3 1k lights, depending on how cool I can keep the room. I bought a new 13000 BTU dual hose portable AC, I hope it will keep it nice and cool. It is going to be a sealed room and I am going to run Co2, Is that the best way to go? I am trying to figure out how I am going to cool my lights, I can either pull air from my attic or from under my house(sub-floor) and pull air through my light and up through a dryer vent to my roof and out a wirllybird or I can pull the cool air from my room and through the lights, what do you guys think. I just hate to take the cool air out of my room. Sorry for the big post I just have so many questions, I am trying to read about it alot, but I would like to get some differnt points of view.