Bud Problem or not ?

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New Member
Apr 5, 2007
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This picture is of the buds growing at the moment. They are black for some reason while others are the normal green. Ive seen many types of colours but not straight out black but otherwise it seems healthy leaf wise etc. The picture makes it look a lot lighter than it actually is it is very dark black. They are random seeds i found lying around. Grown outside from scatch in a tiny plot of soil. I dont use fertizier or nutrients just whatever was in the soil. Been doing it for years just foodscrapes and weeds thrown in the dirt a couple of times a year. There around 4 month old budding for a month. Warm Aussie Coastal climate. Should i rip out the stuff i dont like the look of ??


Looks bad.jpg

Looks ok.jpg

Further away.jpg


Dude i'm not 100% sure but that looks like a serious case of bud rott. :eek:
Wow....that is either really bad....or really good. What country do you live in? Was this bagseed? What are your humidity and temps like...on average? Would you please take a few more pics for me? How far along in flower is that (in days)? Black bud is rare but it does exist.
looks ok to me but you need a better pic

mines a Cherry Thai doing the same ....... and she healthy

or "C" aka "Clips" : "Clips"stb/13 bx1 [tang/c99/kali x .75% g13nl]f1 x f3 =)

Out 07 CT2 4-4.jpg

Grow Off Harvested 001.jpg
hmm black bud .. i have seen it before . that looks crazy though
I put some more pics up for you to look at but cause of the size restriction they seem to loose a lot of resolution
I'd smoke it bro...they look very nice.:aok:

Nice pics Fing, thanks for posting, wish you would give us a short pictorial in the outdoor section...guy grows beautiful monsters.:farm:
I am not sure but you might have gotten some mixed strains in whatever beans you used. I have smoked plenty of weed that looked exactly like that, comes around my area quite a bit. Not the best in my opinion but still isnt that bad.

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