Bubbles In My Blood journal

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from a eigth

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THAT looks like a VERY Happy Halloween to me, Loola! NICE stuff~! :aok: Have a great Halloween! What's your baby going to be? :p

dirtyolsouth said:

THAT looks like a VERY Happy Halloween to me, Loola! NICE stuff~! :aok: Have a great Halloween! What's your baby going to be? :p

where the fudge have you been?, lol. he is 3 monthes on the 8th. lol. you know that! send me some of that medication, lol. hope your halloween was well also. cutting grass today, and no, no, that kind of grass grass. lol. what are you thunkin about last pics? ill post some more tuesday. res change. cya:rolleyes: :D :cool:
hello all, i am at just over 14 days flower give a day or two. all seems well. i would post pics, but i need batteries.
i did a res change on both buckets this morning and braught ppms up a little. one is at 1500 and the other 1600, i hope thay handle it ok. i have faith in them. my tap water is almost 400 off the bat, so im looking at around.......1200 ish. i am using ff open sesame, just introduces beastie bloomz, and i also added a little tiger bloom, and 2 capfulls each of green fuse bloom stimulator. pics will be up in a couple days. i also need to add another fan. i have one noe oscilating under the canopys, but i need another one above the canopy to prevent mould, and such. thanks for stopping by. and by the way.....thanks dirtyolsouth!
im going to get another one of these. its 9 bucks at walmart.....should work fine...small area.

loolagigi said:
im going to get another one of these. its 9 bucks at walmart.....should work fine...small area.

Hi Loola,

Your plants are bangin along just great... About the fan, that's a snazzy looking unit but what I don't get is the adaptor thingamajobbey... I just wonder if you would have a more powerful fan if it were wired and made to run on 120V AC from the get go... instead of having the DC power adaptor on it... Maybe it doesn't matter but I would think a similar sized fan without the DC adaptor might help move air better. More is more when it comes to fans.

And your baby isn't too young for holiday fun...:p

Happy Growing!:cool:

dirtyolsouth said:
Hi Loola,

Your plants are bangin along just great... About the fan, that's a snazzy looking unit but what I don't get is the adaptor thingamajobbey... I just wonder if you would have a more powerful fan if it were wired and made to run on 120V AC from the get go... instead of having the DC power adaptor on it... Maybe it doesn't matter but I would think a similar sized fan without the DC adaptor might help move air better. More is more when it comes to fans.

And your baby isn't too young for holiday fun...:p

Happy Growing!:cool:
yeah im not sure about the ac/dc. hmmm? ah it is what it is. after this grow i will be making some adjustments for sure.
we skipped halloween for him this year. his big sister was a fairy, lol hes my lil punkin though.
hey everyone. just thought i would show the ladys off today. had to top off the res which consists of me removing them from the cramped cab they are in.
i am so happy i decided to use my hps and not my cfl's for flowering. what a difference. they have only had pistils on them for about 10 days now. how fast they are filling. at this rate i should have some seriouse donkey **** colas. ppm is super high and they are handling the punch. they acually smelled strong this morning when they woke up.

look at those trichomes allready, ummmmh

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Wow lola, looks like one of those huge mums in front of home depot.LOkking foward to the end result. Keep up the good work!

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