Black African

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
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i'm looking for Black African seeds, this is a strain from the '70s which is black, and a real killerstrain, a pitty you can't find seeds or cuttings from it. If somebody can get seeds from it, let me know for sure.

OH!! the infamous Black Sheeba. The one hit ass kicker. Tuff to find. Though there are seeds being sold out there that say at least they are from Africa. If it would be the same strain who knows.
you can onoly knàow that bu testing them, by the way, the strain wasn't callen black sheeba but litteraly black african.

In Michigan we called it Black Sheba. In any case it was very rare to find, very expensive. I think it had to be the strongest weed on the planet at that time. Today with all the techno ways of growing hemp there are many that can match that high.
I have seeds of black african. a buddy o mine grows em every year. They arent really black, thats impossible, they are just so purple that they look b;lack from afar. Up close its the purplest stuff you hae ever seen. I covet that strain.
I used to live in Michigan and we called it black african not no Black Sheba. not the same stuff.
probally crosed black african with a shiva of some sort back then.
Western MiCHIGAN Black African
It was the true strain its the only bud with its distintive characteristics. I will never forget it nor will i ever forget our friend Joe. I have not smoked anything "nothing" that strong in a long Time ever. n i have had my fair share of strains.

well a verry close friend of a friend dad used to grow it then it was passed down from dad to kid, from kid to my friend ." then one day our great friend died got hit by a car"

And it was true Black African . PURPLE AS EDIT leaves , black from a distantce black as hell. stickey as hell had my fair shre of exposure to it. ONE HIT WONDER EXPANDO MANDO .. You couldnt hold the smalest hit in for anything Super Expando Mando, unless u smoked lots of it on a daily basis ;p
the seeds r not black only plump n juicey whith really nice stripes
that was in 1987 -1995
good luck getting sum wish i had my seed colection still
I have 2 Black Queen in flower right now which I think may be related to the strain you're talking about, as the buds are supposed to color up very dark, almost black, and is a super strong strain being sold as medicinal grade. You can find it at the Highgrade Seeds site.
I haven't smoked any yet. Have a few more weeks to go ~
brainwreck said:
i'm looking for Black African seeds, this is a strain from the '70s which is black, and a real killerstrain, a pitty you can't find seeds or cuttings from it. If somebody can get seeds from it, let me know for sure.


:lama: I have "Black" Seeds... yippee. They were a birthday present and I'm not sure what follows 'black' in the name... hmmm. the friends didn't know. I'll have to post photos when I get more sprouted and grown up a bit...
I grew that Black African in the early 80s... gorgeous... My favorite plants ever!!! when the helicopters were flying I had to tear up brush to cover the blackish purple 8-10 foot plants... very exciting. It is an amazing strain. I had a couple mommas indoors, which I am pretty sure are related to the original strain... and they were over an ounce a plant. Just an FYI. And they were pretty and purple but not as dark as my old outdoor strain. I would love to have that old strain again if anyone knows where I can get seeds.
Interesting post that is coming up three years later... :giggle:
black african? lol,thats the strain my uncle grew for many years.he said it was the best smoke to even come to michigan back in the 70's,he used to grow it every season,i may beable to obtain seeds or pictures of what it looks a born and raised michigander so the stuff your talkin about,is probably definitly the same stuff he grew.he grew up in the grand rapids/muskegon area. ill see if i can get some pics up of his grows for ya,he's gettin up there and age and can no longer grow,but he definitly loves to talk about it.maybe he even has some seeds still,i know he bred the strain for quite some time also,he crossed it w/ some afghan one time and he said that was a a good cross but..ill have to call him and see if he has any pics/seeds from his grows.he just stopped growin back in 2004.-later
i just got off the phone with him and he said he threw out all his seeds last year but he said he might beable to dig up some pics.he says the closest thing to that black african you guys got back then is a strain called "the black" i think bc bud depots the breeder but i may be wrong.check into that stuff.
:eek: Thanks for responding and thankyou for checking into that A.I.'s DAD...
I have awesome seeds... they are feminized. I didn't know when I planted them. And they are automatic. They started budding under mostly 24/7 light. I got some seeds mixing Bubble Gum and Black... hence, Black Bubble. I haven't sprouted them yet. But may have time today. I'm very anxious to see if they will all be girls and carry on with the mother's traits. Should be an interesting mix. I also have a Kush male that was from a morphie. I'll probably mix up the Kush with the BOG or Bubble or Afreck or Razz. Or maybe all of them. :giggle: Might as well have fun with this.
I guess I can save pollen right? If you know how to do this please let me know. My Kush females are just not old enough yet. Not even reached puberty...
Leg.Gen. I wonder if I can find seeds for the original Black on-line... or somewhere. The friend I got it from is still around. I should ask him. It's been twenty years... my how time flies.
I used to hate it when my parents said, "....twenty years ago...."....
Thanks. Ette :peace:
I dont know Black Weed.....????I would'nt buy it... i'd take it if you gave it to me... but Meh..........Doesnt sound to tempting ...Props to you though for bringing back the old skool....
gcarlin_818 said:
I dont know Black Weed.....????I would'nt buy it... i'd take it if you gave it to me... but Meh..........Doesnt sound to tempting ...Props to you though for bringing back the old skool....

:rofl: Buds are purple/Fan leaves the deepest beautiful purple/almost Black.
It's awesome... Gorgeous.
There are advantages to 'old school' believe me. Techniques have changed, but the basic laws of nature always exist no matter what fancy names people give new products... It's all in the thumb... the green thumb!.. :giggle:

:woohoo:Now that's what I'm talking about!!!
Way to go Puffa! I want those! Totally Awesome... Now I
wonder who wouldn't want a little of that?!!!!

The strongest, and only "black" stuff I've seen is black afghan and it fits the description your all describing. Basically, it's the holy grail, the stuff legends are made of. It looked green (dried) but was sooo dark that it was black for all intents and purposes. I'm old now, and back in the day I had an old friend (my age old) who would talk of this black afghan and one day he produced some. I'm still looking for that and two decades have passed! hahaha but I'm not sure if it's time or da bud because back then the normal was "regs" and today I'll just as soon not smoke as smoke regs.

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