Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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I think it is time to practice :bongin: again:D




So didn't knoow we was to take a break
:bong::bong::bong::bong: I been trying to melt all the ice in the fridge but it keeps making more as fast as aI can melt it..
Ozzy just trying to get my veggies planted before the rain:)

Having problems keeping the rows straight:stoned:
A straight row never planted one in my life. Might be able to if I ever try doinmg it straight but don't hold your breath waiting for that day
I just figure that when I harvest I will be :stoned: too so they will appear to be straight again:rofl:
its raining here now ...time to :bong: and wait for rain to stop

I never plant straight either:D
Bright and sunny here. Cooling down before I head out again;)

I'll :bong: with ya but I do need to get out there some more:rofl:

It's a old wise tale but it does seem to work.

Plant your seeds with your eating hand and you'll get a better veggie crop. I have compared it buy planting two rows of corn and the one that I planted with my left hand (the hand I eat with the most) did grow bigger fuller ears of corn. So now I always plant with it.
what if I eat with both Hands?


summer 11 353.jpg
He's eating with the left the right is just to make sure it don't get away
Morning SmokinMom:ciao:

School must not be out, for you yet?
School ends next week. Joy! It's funny, a friend of mine is a teacher and she knows how I feel about summer and teases me. I get her back in the fall. ;)

Biu it's triple Tuesday!
Yeah, what was that? Maintenance? I couldnt get to MP all day

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