Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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  • 4:20 central

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Ill smoke with you chef!!! smoke my headache away... good times. maybe a snack later..
Sorry to hear bout your headache 2dog,,,,told Smom this awhile back. Smoke till your eye's cross. Get up and walk with your eye's closed real fast! The first thing you bump into will make you forget all about your headache:eek: :D .......or we could just BIU!
lets just biu........I stepped on a dog bone already tried the other one..weenie dog wrestling goin down in the living room...little growls of happiness in the air
those are cute arent they...weenie dogs can haul butt...we adore ours so soft and two girls are looking at me right now..
Saw footage of one that had a blow out kinda...he was hauling....well..little but and tripped. started doing flips end over end, got up and grabbed a mlikbone like nothing happened. I damn near spit sprite through my nose!
that sounds cute!.....they are adorable..think you and the wifey will ever have a little doggy? I love mine. carry them around like they are babies..little clothes...
Don't torture the little guy. We are talking Beagle when we get back home or where we are gonna settle at.
the chef said:
Don't torture the little guy. We are talking Beagle when we get back home or where we are gonna settle at.

It isnt tortue he sits down and still for us to put his little sweater has footballs and looks cool..

night ozzy!!
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

Cloudy and cold, but not like yesterday morning, 23f this morning.

It is a 2 for Tuesday BIU session :bong2::bong2:
27 degrees and more damn snow on the way...Time to BIU! Mornin all!
The snow is here and is coming down hard.
Calling for 10"- 14" before it is over:(
Sure be nice once this snow is over though.

At least I will not have to worry about visitors till I plow.:)
Driveway is 4tenths of a mile and none of my friends will walk it with that much snow:rofl:

Maybe just stay in and BIU all day with ya :bong2:
Yep one lucky duck as long as the machines all start up.:rofl:

Should get out and take some pictures for SM, show her what a real snow and cold looks like:rofl: The river is frozen and snow covered and no snowmobiles yet. Maybe I can find some kid to stick their tongue to the flag pole:rofl: and take a picture.
Morning everyone. :)

It's cold here and my electric blanket stopped working. :p

I'd love to see those pics ducky, I bet its stunningly beautiful where you are. Glad you don't mind all that snow. If that happened here, I'd be moving my butt to Hawaii, or maybe Florida, I hear its a little cheaper. :D Hahaha.

:giggle: Per our paper:

Snow is again in the forecast for the area Wednesday and Thursday, and this system could bring up to 2 inches, forecasters say.

That pales in comparison to the 2 feet blanketing the nation's capital, but it's nothing to sneeze at for Texans.

The first possibility of snow is Wednesday night, when there is a 20 to 30 percent chance of rain and light flurries.

That chance will become a near certainty Thursday, when the forecast calls for an 80 percent chance of snow and 1 to 2 inches of snowfall, said a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

Quit yer laughin boys. :p

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