Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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seriously..smoking some GDP...not as smooth as PK...
TC better have your blood presure checked ringing in ear is one of the first sign by what I have heard

Pass the chips SM and I will help with the cloth

Time to BIU
ozzydiodude said:
TC better have your blood presure checked ringing in ear is one of the first sign by what I have heard

First sign of voices? :rolleyes: First sign of OLD AGE?:rolleyes: Im pretty sure the memory is the first to go in that case...but the ears are close to the memory.....Kidding Ozzy.....I got the tenitis....from meds I took long ago. The blood preasure I got....people would love to have. Usually runs a perfect 100/70...or is that 110/70....nope, 100. If anything I have Low on the preasure side. Now I am just typing to hear my fingers fly over the keys.
Munchies for today:

cheese, summer sausage and crackers...
chips and queso...
bbq meatballs...

Junk we can snack on all day while watching TV and takin it easy.
yo....2Dog, got a reefer here of gdp, I will spark it up with you....

I see you down there SM, you and Ozzy get the laundry done? Im still running mine....or the dryer is..maybe..maybe it is finished...time flys when...well...when stoned.
I hear sexy voices in my head. :hubba: No complaints here at all. :D

I wish my blood presure was that good mine is 125/75 most the time TC

SM thats the first time I have had to take a cold shower after doing laundry
Laundry and showers go together.....cant have one without the other.

keeping the fire going here..... laundry is done time to toke some more. Today is DRAGGING by...... Funny how fast you get used to someone being around all the time.

This GDP is pretty nice, mellow, not a heavy need to sleep.....yet.

Sharing with you all if I could.
Hubs put all the clean clothes away. :D

I'm so spoiled. Someone has to be, might as well be me. :rolleyes: :giggle:
hubs is napping, the dogs are fed I am smoking and watching hoarders...a dark day outside very cold kind of depressing..
BIU BHCers time to party before the work week starts for those that have to go to the dreaded job. clones were thrown out..I got chewed a bit for them not taking..I have been trying hard..I mention seedlings...more my cannot clone in a room with low temps, on a heating pad that need lots of water and get too cold..then I am told I am wrong for not wiping the trays and getting all the water out...yucky day. never had these issues in warmer weather..
2dog, dont let anyone make you feel bad.

I'll link the Tom Cruise vid again if ya like. :p

Good evening everyone. :D Everyones in bed but me....quiet house...stinky garage. ;) ;) BIU everyone.
Went on a road trip and seen this.

When does the bus leave?:)

good times.2.JPG
The girl is budding so hard she is even budding all the way down:holysheep:


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