I need to make a 3 by 2 hole in my roof to fit the 1st of 5 Roof Windozzzzzz
Multi, You a brave soul making a whole in your roof in the snow. We call them "skylights" here, I have one and it sure is nice to get that natural light from it in the kitchen. If my husband had said, December 15th, "lets put up a few skylights"..... I think I would have considered that he needed proffessional help, and I aint talking a carpenter.
SM, those little roll around balls are awesome, I recomend it hole heartedly. Will get the lil bugger out of the cage and socializing with the family without the "accidents". We had a rabbit when the kids were small, trained the lil guy to use a certain place for his pooping, not quite a litter box, but close, more a paper shreaded low sided plastic box for his eliminating pleasure. The kids joked about he could read the paper while he did his business I remember. Enjoy the lil ones and their "wishes" now, because when they grow up, they need cash and it will amaze you that someday, you wont be looking for presents for them anymore, just writing a check.
Chris, once again, Dang fine to see you!
Risky, Good luck keeping your snow.
Rained cats and dogs here last night, was sure different sounding than that composition roof. It was kinda loud, when raining real hard, but cant hear nothing when it just plain rains. Like now, it is raining, I can see it raining, but not a bit of sound. The fog is moving in too.
I have been invited to go to the Valley this morning, and here I was thinking I wouldnt be going down there, or anywhere. I guess the change of sceanery will do me good. Been over a week since I left the house or went down the hill, I should say.
Well, Good Morning BHC.....I hope the Holiday Season is Finding You All Healthy and Happy. The Weather Outside is Frightful, The Fire Inside Delightful! Wish we could meet up and smoke a bowl or two in peace.
Be of Good Cheer, Make a Magic Memory This Year!