P'Dude, no, I had no idea there would be crowds like that at 5 am!!! I have never done Black Friday shopping before, and surely never will make that mistake again. Brekkie was great, tho, thick French toast, apple sausage and eggs over easy. Yummmmm, and sure gave me an attitude reversal, having a full tummy and knowing I'd soon be back in bed.
On the vape, yes, weed doesn't have the same taste as it does in a blunt, a bong or a pipe. You get some intense taste the first two hits, and then it's pretty much just like sucking in air--the vapor doesn't give you the kind of taste you are used to when you inhale smoke.
As for whether you get higher, I don't know. I do, but I can't take those horrendously deep hits off a bong the young'uns can. So the vape gets me higher, faster, and most of all, without coughing.
As for harsher dope being more smokeable: YES! Just as it tends to cut the scent of great icky sticky, it does the same with harsh schwag, and you will get higher from vaping schwag with a lot less weed.
No, I didn't buy any accessories--but PCDuck did. I just have the regular one. That alone was a BIG expenditure for me!
I hesitate to recommend it for you, P'Dude, though....I remember when I recommended those inexpensive loupes and you got them, and then you couldn't use them with your hand shakes. I felt REALLY bad and that was only an under $20 purchase! Jeesh, if you take my advice and buy a vape, then it doesn't work for you, I'll be devastated. And I'm afraid you'll hate me forever! Do you have anyone in your area that might have one you could just try first? See how it works for you?
BTW, I didn't go shopping knowing in the back of my mind the TV's wouldn't be there! I had no idea. But I sure now am aware of how loss leaders work. Good education for me, actually. And cements my belief that ordering online is the BEST! But will still be looking for TV sales. Ours is on it's last gasps.
Glad to hear everyone had a yummy Turkey day! We just went to a really great movie and had dinner out at a local casino. Lost my requisite $20 in the slots, as I do every Christmas and Thanksgiving. I just consider it entertainment and enjoy all the bells, whistles and sparkly lights! We sure were missing leftovers about midnight, though. Love going out for Thanksgiving, and love not having to cook or do clean up. But sure hate not having leftovers.
The Purple Frostings are getting so monster sized it's like Jack and the Beanstalk--the thing just keeps expanding, and I keep wrapping the stems around and around....tying them down. It only slows them down, but not by much. These are some DETERMINED girls, for sure!