Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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SmokinMom said:
Yep, sure would. Oh well, more for me. :D

I cld hve sampled your one and only grow....that wld hve been an awesome honor....well please hve a hit or two or ten for me SM....
SmokinMom said:

Did you really get fat tire SM? I tried that stuff a lil rough for me....I am drinking Dos Equis....I don't always drink beer but when I do I prefer Dos Equis......:D I also speak French in Russian....
Hahahahahahaha I love those commercials. And yes, I've had it before and musta forgot how crappy it was. Ewww.

I have been on a Shock Top kick lately and the local 7-11 didnt have any. :(
SmokinMom said:
Hahahahahahaha I love those commercials. And yes, I've had it before and musta forgot how crappy it was. Ewww.

I have been on a Shock Top kick lately and the local 7-11 didnt have any. :(

What the heck is Shock Top?? You crazy Texans....;)
just googled it and it sounds tasty...I gotta wedding in tomorrow so I shld hit the hay...night SM....
Hope everyone is doing good, havent been by in a while, just having a night cap
:bong: :bolt:
Morning BHCers join me on the porch doing :bong::bong::tokie::tokie: that the game plan today

P-Dude didn't find blueprints so will draw them up while setting here watching the rain.


Ain't a "Shock Top" when a woman has more hair on her chest than the man she is with?:p
morn bhc, ha thats funny ozzy, i thought it was when you stuck your finger in the light socket :shocked: . im waiting for the sprinkles to quit and the sun to come out so i can go riding, its about 75f now, the weatherman said it should quit pretty soon. so what are your holloween plans. we were going to get dressed up and ride around in my brothers hearse but its not working now, did that last year and had a ball, freaked a lot of people out:cool: yall have a great day and ill catch ya later.
HIya BHCers...

I hope you all have a dank Halloween... I still have to go pick up some candy for the kids. It's gonna be cool and rainy here so I better buy some candy that I like...;) don't think I'll see too many trick or treaters tonight...

The postal delivery lady brought my NEW BONG this morning~!:bong:

:yay: :yay: :clap: :yay: :clap: :yay: :yay:

So here's to ALL of you... Have a Happy Halloween toke~!:bong1:

Check out the pumpkin bong I found online... Gotta love the internet...


goodevening and happy halloween BHC

cool pumpkin DOS :giggle:

well i ve done the trick and treating with my little witch and now watching her go hyper on candy :evil:
i think i have tme to squeeze in another :bong: before 420 :D

BIU :bong::bong::bong:
Happy Halloween the keg is tapped the party has begun:bong::bong::bong1::bong1::bong2::bong::ciao::peace:
Happy Halloween BHC..


dirty...that pumkin bong rocks...does it hit okay? pass it over here to Seattle...

cleaning the Bong for My 420

I be Back:bolt:
Oh, I LOVE that pumpkin bong, DOS!
I hope we get some trick or treaters tonight. But just in case it's a total bust, I'm gonna BIU so if no goblins, at least I won't care.

Nice new bong DOS....looks like you got some work ahead of you to get it broken in right......:)

Bong it up for me BHC....I am down to about 20 hours before I get back to my stash, cats and my own bed...god I miss my bed almost as much as my dank bud.....
hey I applied to this club and pc u havent approved I smell bad?:huh: :bong1: :confused2: :rofl: :confused:

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