Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Goodmorning BHC :ciao:

Well its finally cooling off here in Nor Cal, 47F out there
and the wifey and daughter wont get outa bed untill its
blazing warm:rolleyes: ....

P dude.... funny, I see alot of these young Marines on leave from
from bootcamp and most of em barely look old enough to drive a
car :) the USMC was definately my right of passage to manhood
The young man I was when I arrived at MCRD SanDiego is still burried out on those PT fields somewhere. I went off to war as a
Good Morning BHC hope everyone is in good health and stoned mind. Have a great day.

:bong1::bongin::bong2::bongin::bong: :ccc::48::peace:
G'Morning BHC! BIU here on this unseasonably cold morning here in the desert. We're having gusty winds to 70 mph (almost as powerful as P'Dudes), but they probably smell a bit better. No outside for the plants today--they would end up as naked stems.

Chris, we're all extremely happy YOU made it back to us!

Ozzy, how's the Spam plant growing?

P'Dude, those nightmares are making me itch, too. Euuuu!

PC, I can't believe we have colder weather here than you have! Brrrrrr....
Yesterday, I ran the dogs with my down jacket on, a thick scarf, gloves. I was still chilly. Saw a kid coming home from school in shirt sleeves. We both pointed and laughed at each other!

TC, you're right: this is a first. No words to share???? Light up some sativa and you'll be chatting in no time.

DOS, it's so cool to see you here!!!!! Likin' that pipe you ordered....

UKG--How is the room decorating coming along? You really painted it pink with Barney purple polka dots just for 4U's upcoming visit? You'll tell us if he wears pink underwear, right?<G>

4U--Ducking and tell us what you REALLY do out in your shed every night. <VEG>

Ham--we're all smoking doubles this week in your honor. Stuck in Arizona with no smoke? Horrors!!! Don't go breaking any laws--they really DO make the inmates wear pink underwear there.

Anyone seen Colorada Lady lately? Yoo Hoo....Colorado Lady---pop in and have a toke with us. Outta two bongs--one for Hammy.

BIU everyone!
morning mojave :ciao: are you sping on me :p
painterdude waving back at you :D
TC I see you :stoned:
4u :heart: get the :tokie: ready ;)
ozzy glad mum is moving again

and chris ,,hamster ,all the bhcer s ,,have a great day
its 4,20 germany :bong::bong:
:shocked: :bong: :bong:

I miss my :watchplant: :watchplant: :watchplant: .

Is this Post Plantum? Will I recover with more of these:bong1: ?

It is cold this morning, had a real time frost on the ground!
ROFL, TC, "Post Plantum Blues."

heck, if I ever had a grow like YOUR GROWS I would have PPB as well.
Take a few hits, PC--and don't forget extras for Hamster!

Hi Hi UKG! You are SUCh a good sport. I just can't even hardly get a rise out of you these days. You're so ONTO my antics...<G>
Takeing a :bong: for Mr. Hampster Lewis Von Budmeister....He is getting his Marijauna Passion Fix tho, I see. Just goes to prove, MP is addicting, dont leave home without it.:D

:ciao: at Hamster, know we are hitting :bong1: in your honor!
:ciao: at Painter too, and Chris, and Benny...and 4u, and Ozzy, and Mojave, and Astro, and newest Member Dirtyolsouth! If I missed you....I still :ciao:.
chris1974 said:
Goodmorning BHC :ciao:

Well its finally cooling off here in Nor Cal, 47F out there
and the wifey and daughter wont get outa bed untill its
blazing warm:rolleyes: ....

P dude.... funny, I see alot of these young Marines on leave from
from bootcamp and most of em barely look old enough to drive a
car :) the USMC was definately my right of passage to manhood
The young man I was when I arrived at MCRD SanDiego is still burried out on those PT fields somewhere. I went off to war as a

hi chris.....I even have a friend who taught art classes to the Marines at 29 Palms, he enjoyed the kids but was to saddened by their war stories and gave up the job

I googled Iraq War to find out how to spell Fallujah and Hadaifa, read a little bit, but had to stop.....way too many dead kids....when I went thru bootcamp at Lackland AFB in Texas I was 18, married and the first wife was pregnant....we all held hands when we went thru the teargas and we never shot a weapon at wonder they call us Bus Drivers
WOW, that was over 50 years ago....time does fly by
Just found bud rot on the plant that I moved into wifey's room for sunlight but it's been raining almost every day since then....but did find a couple of Amber trichs on thinking about butchering her today
Bummer on the bud rot painter, i had that a couple times while i was drying, cranked up the fan and bud rot no more.
painterdude said:
hi chris.....I even have a friend who taught art classes to the Marines at 29 Palms, he enjoyed the kids but was to saddened by their war stories and gave up the job

I googled Iraq War to find out how to spell Fallujah and Hadaifa, read a little bit, but had to stop.....way too many dead kids....when I went thru bootcamp at Lackland AFB in Texas I was 18, married and the first wife was pregnant....we all held hands when we went thru the teargas and we never shot a weapon at wonder they call us Bus Drivers
WOW, that was over 50 years ago....time does fly by

Even after 50 years I'll bet it still feels like yesterday... Its does for me and its only been 17 years... The Marine Corps bootcamp finished up at the rifle range (Edson Range) on Camp Pendelton, I didnt even have a chance to go home and see my family before they shipped me over to the Persian Gulf with my unit. I still remember the smells and sounds.... kinda crazy man, sometimes I feel like I never came home !

Wow.... Im actually tearing up !
eastla_kushsmoka said:
:bong1: :bong1: just got my bong today sessions on


cant wait to see it:bolt::bong:

take care and be safe
Chris, is it possible to go to war and not tear up when you think about it later on? I don't think so. Most of us here will never know the horror you saw, smelled, experienced so intimately. We know you will live with it the rest of your life. And that's why you are such a hero to us. We may never understand what you have been through, but we can imagine. And we are all so grateful you came back safely and can be here with us. So, take a big toke while we bow at your feet!
P'Dude, bummers on that bud rot, but amber trichs are GOOD! Toss up some pictures of that pretty girl's bounty once you chop her down! And yes, you are so right--time passes so fast, especially in the last half of our lives, huh?

Don't forget to send 4U that gas mask, P'dude! I know you're still chucking wind Seattle way....<G>
mojavemama said:
Chris, is it possible to go to war and not tear up when you think about it later on? I don't think so. Most of us here will never know the horror you saw, smelled, experienced so intimately. We know you will live with it the rest of your life. And that's why you are such a hero to us. We may never understand what you have been through, but we can imagine. And we are all so grateful you came back safely and can be here with us. So, take a big toke while we bow at your feet!

Thank you MM....;) but no bowing please, Im just a regular ol guy
nothin special :)
True Dat, Chris--and inquiring minds surely want to know what REALLY goes on in that shed of 4U's....<G>
I dont want to make any assuumptions here buuuuuut I think it would be safe to say UKgirl know...:hubba:

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