Awwwwwww..... Sm ! I really feel for you, I had bad ear infections when I was two and ended up with spinal menengitas ! I wasnt supposed to make it, but here I am and only ended up with a perferated ear drum !
I hope it gets better soon my dear
Part of the family over here hunting today, so I'm playing host. :rant: they knew I was sick this week so they just came to hunt no partying planned, They don't know I felling better so the pranks have started theres flour for who ever comes in to the barn, firecrackers taped to mufflers on 4wheeler and trucks and scarecrows that will fall out the trees when they drive out the road. If it wasn't for them hearing the chairsaw I would drop a tree and let them cut me some firewood.
Yes Ozzy feeling great and in a onrey mood. Holloween is close and its time to start the game. Happy tricking all might want to watch out for me.:hubba:
WOW....thanks for putting your life on the line marine...
guns scare me, don't have a clue as to how you do it.....but thanks
Did this drawing while trying to do something for ya.....oopsie daisy got some CRAZY oozy stuff happening, I guess it sounds like 'Hospital Time'......better get better MOM.....
mojavimana, UKgirl, tc and 4u2.....I have been able to balance it, in focus so all I have to do is LOOK....I HAVE SEEN SOME AMBER on the only plant left in the greenhouse.....moved the other one inside, in front of new eight foot sliding door, should get lots of light.....oh, even tried to take some pics thru the microscope, ha ha ha ha, what a joke, some kind of yellow globs that were totally out of focus
4u2, I did what you said and used a leaf next to a there a time table to be heads up on?
painterdude ...what type of high you looking for ,,?
if you are going for couchlock you want mostly amber ,,,,,when i get the chance i like to go about 30 -40% amber ,,
great pic as allways
chris ,,,when i was waiting in atlanta airport ,,,the us marine girls and boys were all just making there way home .,,they looked so exhausted ..,,
anybody willing to fight for there country deserves the upmost respect imo ..eace:
BIU BHCers the Flour prank was priceless my 15 yr old cousin got his first deer. He ran ahead of my cousin to tell me. I told him to open the Barn door so we could hang the deer up. He opened the door just as cousin was pulling up on 4 wheeler with deer10lb of flour goes up in a big white cloud the flour covered both of them the deer everything.
I hollered "You got to skin and butcher the deer before we can cook it" this is when the firecracker on the 4wheeler goes off cuasing cousin to fall off the 4wheeler. He so mad right now he's crying and I'm still laughing my a off. LSHAPP
Bleh all the sudden a bong hit doesnt sound good at all. I am feeling kind of nausous. I may try a quick soak in the tub then I am going to bed. It will be a record for me if I am out before 9 pm.
Night everyone, and I appreciate the concern. Felt kind of alone today. Good to know I have my buddies here on the BHC looking out for me. Thanks for the PMs.
I have been informed that I am disown by my cousin he thinks his son was in on it. He just turned out to be the straight man in this prank. The scarecrows got him on the way out. Tiny(15 yrold cuss) said he about deficated in his pant when the scarecrow hit the drivers window. I was cussed for hours prob still being cussed. I am buying a video cam. I prob could get a reg spot on the show "Pranked" with the things I pull. Rigged a deer to wave at cars It was fun til the DNR told me I had to quit.
morn bhc,sm if your not any better this morning please go to doc in a box or the er or some where. i think most here will agree, dont mess with your health.ill check in later