UKgirl......where does the black hair come from? Any Spanish blood in the genes? I appreciate you digging the art, thanks so much....have never tried to sell anything, just do it because I have a passion for the process of creativity....and I must admit that I might have overdone it with you two friends....but it has been so much fun
benny......our tomatoes have become shoe leather, hope you win the $500
mojavimama.....having good thoughts about you and the Math Dude
Well, it didn't quite work out. Benny didn't read the fine print about what time to enter and we were running WAY late when it started raining for real, so we bagged it. Oh well, there's always next year.
Hello BHC.....Its 12:45am here UKgirl is sound a sleep..Rough Day today..need a bong and then doing the next step in Bubble Hash..UKgirl and I took some lower stuff off PurpleBud to practice with. Hope everyone has a Great Day..:ciao:
:ciao: Good Morning all I'm back.. Thanks to all for wondering about me but no worries. Took a bike ride for 42 b-day. TC got me thinking abot a ride so barrowed cousin's bike and rode around for three days. So sore now can hardly move. Took bro laptop with me, it locked up and was worthless. Family had a suprize party without the B-day boy. So I gotta put up with them today.
hi all and happy b-day ozzy, so are you ready to buy yourself a bike yet? i think the wifey and i are gonna ride out to see the grandbaby today.then i guess cook out on the grill and watch some programing. 4u/uk how are you two love birds today morning duck, 72 now going for 80 and partly sunny, great day for a m/c ride let me do some bowl maitence (did i spell that right) so we can do some bong hits, it will be ready at .20 after so be ready.see yall cats later:bolt: