Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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im hoping that 4U2 has a mustache. a big busy one, just seems fitting
Painter Dude: Whats the tallest bong you have / smoked outta ?
Me; 2' double tree perc/ 5' that takes two peeps to use . 2gm hash hits made you wobble like a weeble....~
Berry thunder in tha house so everyone :bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :48: :48: :48:
thanks meds I'll :bong::bong: to that

leave a few for the next BHC'er:bong1::bong1::bong2::bongin::joint::tokie: :48:
Thanks Ozzy don't mind if I do :bong2::bong2:

Leaving them packed for the next member :bong1::bong1::bong1:

tc I will check on the color tomorrow, it is already dark here.

Howdy painterdude.
Got these pearly whites brushed and polished by a professional :D is that :bong1: ?

Good Evening Bong Hitters Wordwide.
Just a couple :bong1: :bong1: :aok: before I head out to water.

Evening is getting here earlier and earlier these days. I Love Fall....We got here tonight some more of that nice Afgoo, New Bud. I like it. Nothing to write home about (my daughter calls me a pot snob), not life changing smoke, but it is early is a week old all ready. But, it is smooth, I grew it and it is sweet. I would share it with all of you.....I think it is acceptable fare. Dont you all just love growing and smokin' your own? Makes life sweeter....;)
Good evening BHC,,, better not get me started:rofl: to late

GO Edit!!!!

tc..sounds like some good smoke..and I think this may be the best growing season outside for Seattle...IDK only 2nd run..but looks like low 80f for weekend..and My Ladies are loving it..not sure if i should cover yet or not..Maybe have ukgirl help with that project..

ukgirl...97 hrs :yay: :bong:

BHC....tossing up some pics 4u ALL

1..on my way work


3...Mother frosting

4...Massbucket (purplebud)

have a great night..:bong:




Think I should record the NFKL event for the hubby SM?
Excellent Green 4u....nice drive to work too. Love the water in and round the King County.
thanks tc..we do too...I dont care for ferrrys here though..but some places can onlyu get by ferry...well those that dont have a Party Barge huh? :rofl:

and YES you should record the game..Not sure what NFKL is..maybe a new secret we dont get in trouble:giggle: okay Im a vote for SOCNORB:yay: Now lets hit this Bong!!!!
K 4u, got the DVR a runnin'. I dont think he will be interested, seeing the line up. KL stands for By the end of the season, I am so happy, I could KILL! I mean happy the season is Used to be my birthday came on last game, every few years, they moved that after 911. Was a Happy Snappy Birthday those years.

I always liked the Ferry System round the sound. Kinda like a boat ride and a tour ride for car. I used to ride horses on Vashon Island...long time and not a good speller. Had to Ferry there.....good times long ago and in a City far far away.....bong time, on the :20.
hi bhc, i dont know the code but yay footballs on. hey 4u i wish i could grow outside and have results like that just no where around id feel confertable with. pee dude i bet it is quite a feeling to wake up and look at a peice you did the night b4. tc i cant wait to smoke some of the nl, it looks ok (burnt leaves) i messed up 2 weeks ago and it got too much fert but a good flush its doing ok ill cut it in about 4 days anyhow.waiting on brownies there sm:) and uk girk check your list twice, you dont want to forget anything:D lets pass this around :48:
:bong: :bong: BIU Hope you having a great time this evening.

be back at the half gotta swing the terrible towel:D

have one on me:bong: :bongin: :bong1: :bong2: :48: :joint4: :ccc:
Opening night!!! Amazing!! And I called it....didn't I 4u??!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Now I see why they call him Big Ben.

Yeh you did Mom..:p sure glad i didnt bet ya that quater pound:rofl:
:woohoo: Up 3 at the bookie:yay:

This rounds on me:bong1::bong1::bong1::bong1:

4u you run out of cold water yet:giggle:

UK enjoy :48: it will help with packing

SM you a yellow towel swinger?:cool:
:peace: to all Have a great life.

P.S it's better stoned.
We'll just say 4u and I had a friendly wager. :)

And oz- you should know...looks kind of like a lucky horseshoe. ;)

But tonight was soo cool. I lost power for the middle 1/2 but things were up n runing again just in time.
Man aline, its my lucky night!!

Just found a bubba kush bud I had in some tin foil. Nearly threw it away until I noticed its beautiful aroma. :D Thank god my nose wasnt stuffed up tonight! Been lost for a while. :p

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