Hi Y'all!
Stopping in to catch a few tokes. Feeling grateful for good people who supplied me with killer herb for pain control. Overjoyed to have enough to be able to use it for fun, too. A real unexpected treat.
My hermie harvest is sure smokeable, but not so good for pain control and it tastes a bit like alfalfa. Hoping next harvest is an improvement. But, everyone has to have a first grow experience, right?
It'll be fun to try to do it better, bigger, stickier.
Got a Da Buddha vaporizer yesterday! Finally--I've been saving up for many months. Planned to get ripped last night. Had herb all nicely chopped fine, opened box to assemble it, and--ohhh, noooo. Glass Wand was missing. BIG bummers.
Emailed customer service. I'm sure they will send one immediately--my order arrived in two days.
I've read several times that they have very responsive customer service folks, one reason I chose Da Buddha over other highly recommended vapes. Many of them looked good; hard choice to make. DaBuddha just looked a little more versatile, and they carry some cool custom glass wands and stuff you can order later on. Pricey little suckers, but works of art and I imagine really fun to study with a righteous buzz.
Also, the Da Buddha comes with a really thickly padded, well made hemp carrying case. Looks strong enough that I could drop the unit in it from the rooftop and bet it wouldn't break. Okay, maybe I wouldn't make book on that but, just sayin'....
For the last couple of years, I've been using a very cheap glass globe vape without temp control, a pitiful unit that leaks smoke and is impossible to use efficiently. But I can just about see the potential for how good a better vape can be. I'm stoked! Hope I'll soon be smoked...
Wish I could hang out in the BHC more often, but I'm glad I can still check in once in a while. This has a bit of a challenging past few months pain wise, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is GOOD! I need to be strong and healthy for growing season #2.
Thinking about the myriad of smoking devices available today, and how back in the 60's, I don't remember many people using pipes at all. Just smoking doobies.
Just wondered--anyone have a DaBuddha vaporizer? Any advice? Tips?
Be good, everyone. Nice to see your smilin' Avatars again.
Mom, can you upload me some of that Cuervo now?
Painter, I know you're real careful about who you tell, so I'm sure you put your trust in this young fellow for a reason. It was real nice of you to get him started. A very cool "welcome to the neighborhood!"
UKG, I can hardly wait to read what you think of USA. People are going to be all over you, girl, with that cute accent.
Benny, what would I do without all your helpful tips? You have saved me so much work...TC, I'm missing you! 4U2, you're a lucky boy, son. Take good care of UKG and toke one for me. Everyone, waving at ya!