:bong: .............
now that i finnaly got my first smoke of the day in let me fellow up with an apology. Im sorry to pcduck, all the Marpassion family, and yeah even the mods

, love yall too
Woke up this morning and went straight to the pc to check out the ole BHC. Well..... I idnt take the "meds" before i did that. Bad idea. I think after reading that
4u2 was banned i became a little mad( him being one of my good pal's). Mad at him mostly for being so stubborn (though i have to admit some of his comments had me rollin ). Well then I saw PCDuck's comment. Went down hill from there.
I can see where I was in the wrong and can admit it. Though I personally dont like that rule, I can respect it and follow it. I personally dont want to see ppl going all loco cursing everywhere but slips do happen?? though according to the RULES i was out of line and I have always been on to stretch the rules sometime.
Didnt really phase me too much till I got to work and just couldnt get it out of my mind. By this time I had a few :bong: :bong: :bong: in me. I started to see how I was being a BUTT. Think ill always be a bit of a smart BUTT, but remember people its all in good fun and love, and I would never do anything to purposely damage the integrity of this great site. I love this place and its like a family to me. Like I have said before, without this place I would still be trying to figure out how to get the seed to pop.
Conclusion:BIU before posting
Hick: would never wanna be the president but find your comment sly and quirky as usual. I love it.... wouldnt expect less my friend.
SmokinMom: your hot........... in a weird way wish u were my mom
Pcduck: Sorry had to throw the employee of the month joke in their. You have no idea how much I have laughed at myself for saying that today. I know it was quite offensive, and really you should be proud to be the MVP, really man, congratulations. You deserve it, you have no idea how much I have studied your postings trying to learn this DWC. Thank you
ok now that all thats off my chest and I have written a novel and STUFF im gonna pass a couple of these around for everyone :tokie: here, pass one down :tokie: . A special bong for Pcduck. Before ya hit it gotta confess it is "street weed"........:confused2: its all i got.......