Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

  • other

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UKgirl420 said:
welcome to the BHC hick ;)

post up your number and pic :D


classic, good one uk girl :rofl: . i wish i could sleep in till noon sm, had to take my truck to the mech and rode my m/c home, pulled in the car port and it started raining :yay: ,i knew i was gonna get wet. got my wifes car going again, shes happy now. i guess things are turning around. its biu time here, lets pass em around. how was thew fishing duck.
Hey BHC ers time to BIU :bong: :bong: :bong:

Hope everyone is good and :stoned: else your half way there:p

hick dont know what I missed but glad I did and to stoned to care :peace:

Sliding your way :bong1::tokie::joint::48:
Wow I go fishing and come back to a thumping.:confused2:

But I am with ya on the to stone to care Ozzy

Hey Astro:ciao: The wind was out of the NE so we just went for a boat ride instead of fishing.

You were a Bad Bad Girl SM ..Pull up your knickers and get ready for your spanking;):hubba::hubba:

I guess we all just need a good ole BIU seesion :bong2::bong2:
:ciao: BHC...Now Please everyoone behave..That is the first time Hick has had to step in ...Please remember even though this Here is our Club..

1. It is in "coffee Table" everything under sun can be discused..

2. and is under the Site rules at ALL times..I would hate to see this be no more..and would hate to see anyone Banned from inside the club house..

So once again i ask that everyone Fallow the rules..This thread is what keeps me comeing mostly now a days..I love ya guys..New members and Miss old ones..well just my thaughts tho clouded by :bong: resadue

Have a Great week my friends:ciao:
Hick said:
IF YOU GUYS WANT THESE "******" stupid game playing THREADS TO REMAIN OPEN. You will abide by the rules:ignore: applicable in and "to" the ENTIRE forum. I barely skimmed through the last few pages and saw several violations.
It will NOT be tolerated again

:holysheep: that is a Bad may want to read over site rules..Thanks:)

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