Everything a go with mom at 5:00 pm Hospital just called want me to be there a 4:00. So I'll hang around here til then. Shes alittle mad that they took away her lifesaver's til after the surgery. The meds she is taking give her dry mouth. Wonder if they are a THC compound.
Congrads SmokinMom on nomination for MVP first person in the race.:aok:
Here's to you SM:bong1: Enjoy with LOVE
I pass these to you UKgirl and duck
:bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1:
Enjoy them with LOVE
:ciao: Marky_J...thats a nice piece..and what a way to start off a page..thanks...be sure to choose a BHC# that has not been taken..( some are useing the post # there piece is in) and put that in your signature...PM TOA from thread start with your info..and walla..you in:clap: take care and be safe:bong:
Thanks 4u2sm0ke I managed to get my gardening done before lights out at 10...so it is just BIU time till I leave to go for lunch:bong2::bong2: Here Ya go when ready :bong1::bong1: