We recommend using an electronic ignition (piezoelectric) butane lighter (or the Ital Hempwick lighter) instead of a conventional 'flint' lighter because 'flint' lighters produce toxic 'flint' dust. This toxic dust is visible and appears as smoke when a flint lighter is ignited. This flint dust contains "misch metal", an alloy of rare earth metals (neodymium, samarium, cerium, lanthanum etc). Rare earth metals are known to be toxic, especially when in the form of inhaled microscopic particles. Hence, we think that inhalation of flint dust should be avoided. And the best way to avoid flint dust is to use an electronic ignition (piezo) lighter. Please note that the issue of rare earth dust inhalation is not specific to the VaporGenie. Anyone using a flint lighter to light a cigarette or smoke a pipe is inhaling rare earth dust. Any smoker concerned about their health should use an electronic ignition lighter. Below is an abstract describing the toxic effect of rare earth metals on lung tissue. Not good. They are slightly less toxic than cadmium to lung tissue.
If you must use a flint lighter, we recommend waiting for the flint dust to disperse before inhaling (flint takes 2-3 seconds to burn off). Don't inhale the dust.