Morning all. It is cooling down here. I am so glad for the cooler weather. It is getting down into the lower 40s at night and the highs are in the mid to high 80s. With low humidity, those temps are just great. It is going to be yard clean up tomorrow--prepping for winter. Then it is time to start thinking about getting the chimney cleaned and more wood split and stacked. Not looking forward to winter--I think that I'm getting too old for winters in the mountains by myself.
Mel, sorry for the kitty, but don't blame the puppy. He was just doing what comes naturally--he may have even been just trying to play as puppies do. Dogs, like kids need to be taught what is right and what is wrong. Dogs can learn to get along with virtually all other animals. Puppies are exuberant little creatures that just need to be taught--they are not naturally malicious.
Rosebud, I'd rather auger icky toilets than go to the dentist. Hope all goes well. How are your temps doing?
I need to check on the Mr. and Mrs. Satori that I have out in the breeding closet. He is loaded with balls, but seems slow to start dropping pollen. I really thought those pods would be opening last week. I try to only do out there every other day. I worry about bringing stray pollen into the house. I think I am probably going to end up with more Nurse Larry seeds that I had planned on as my "single branch" pollination seems to have not stayed confined to a single branch.
Those of you in the warm, try and stay cool. Make sure you BIU as needed.