Arrrrggggg---This is agony, but I am going to have to go buy an ounce to get me through until I have a harvest. I know the grower (LOL--he is growing with my ex's equipment in our old place), which makes me feel a little better. However, having to fork over whatever an oz is going to cost because I left my plants in the care of (obviously) incompetent boobs who let all my vegging plants die in June makes me really PO'd.
Rosebud, just recently I scraped the jars where I kept the Satori, the Beyond the Brain, and the C99 to make my own custom blend of morning stuff. It was more like hash, but you should have seen the work I got done!
I have a Satori male and a Satori female together in the little storage unit in the shed. The male hasn't dropped pollen yet, but he is really close. I have a small Nurse Larry I pollinated completely and another one that I tried to pollinate just one branch, but you can tell by the pistils that the pollen hit other parts of the plant. My first go at this breeding thing. The Satori is such an established strain that the seeds should be pretty consistant. The Nurse Larry is the first breeding of the original cross--my understanding is that we should get some real different phenos? Is that correct? I have a little trouble understanding how all those chromosomes work when breeding.
Mel, great job!
Hope everyone has a good Sunday!