Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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morning all---looks like summer finally made it here as well---high humidity 80's---still seem to be having issues with the clothes dryer---replaced the timing mechanism---may have done that without need---seems the heating element is only intermittently working---i need clean and dry clothes---might be going old school with a clothesline---nothing a bong rip can't cure
You guys get up so dang early. How late do you usually stay up?

Early to bed, early to rise is definitely not me as y'all know. :p

Biu friends, it's going to stay in the low 90s today with some cloud cover. Humid tho.

Happy Tuesday!
orangesunshine said:
morning all---looks like summer finally made it here as well---high humidity 80's---still seem to be having issues with the clothes dryer---replaced the timing mechanism---may have done that without need---seems the heating element is only intermittently working---i need clean and dry clothes---might be going old school with a clothesline---nothing a bong rip can't cure

Same exact thing happened to mine- exactly! It was horrible when I'd go to get my clothes out of the dryer to find them still wet. My advice to you, if its not covered under warranty anymore to just buy a new one, or a used one off Craigslist before putting any more $$ into it.
Hey sunshine. Until u get a new one toss a dry bath towel in with every load it will help rte clothes get dryer quicker.

Hubby has interview today for a new job. He works now, but he hates corporation life. This is a local plant, local owners.
:ciao: Melvan

Congrats to hubby...Im Back looking for work..:D...And Ive heard the Dry Towel trick from My Sister Great tip:aok:
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,

Duck, hot and humid here as well, 82* gonna' be another 100+ day. I'll be hibernating in the house with the air on.

Mom, you have mail.....not e-mail, regular mail, it should arrive any day now. :)

Mel, Mojo to the Hubby on the new job.

The rest of you Bong Wrasslers....let's do this...:vap-leafy_wave: :vap-leafy_wave: :vap-leafy_wave:
SmokinMom said:
Same exact thing happened to mine- exactly! It was horrible when I'd go to get my clothes out of the dryer to find them still wet. My advice to you, if its not covered under warranty anymore to just buy a new one, or a used one off Craigslist before putting any more $$ into it.

thanks sm---did you buy a new one or pump a bunch of dough into parts and service call---if you fixed yours what was the issue---i have replaced the timer---that was not it---thinking solenoid
hi rb---about 12 yrs---i did go looking at new ones---an lg set was about 1600---think i'll be tinkering with this one for a bit longer before i go down that road of replacing---you got any friendly advice
Do you have to get a set? Can ya just get a new dryer...omg not match..I see, never mind. Have a repairman, they will tell you if it is worth fixing.
orangesunshine said:
thanks sm---did you buy a new one or pump a bunch of dough into parts and service call---if you fixed yours what was the issue---i have replaced the timer---that was not it---thinking solenoid

Belt, bushings...about $50 wasted money. Then a $75 one on Craigslist that worked fine but put out a huge, ear-piercing constant screech. I said **** it and got a new (not expensive, but rated well) one with extended warranty. :p

I don't care if it matches my washer or not.
I just dealt with the timer and would not let the dryer run if I wasn't going to be home or if I was sleeping. I'd sometimes set the oven timer.

There are some very good dryers from $400-$500 at Home Depot. Of course they don't have all the bells and whistles but I just want it to dry my clothes. :p

Service call was $50 so I tried to fix the old one on my own)
Damn, I keep posting. Sorry about that...:p

Melvin, I hope he aces the interview. :)

Good morning ducky, rose, grower, thg, 4u, fist, cubby (yay ;)), toa, drift, 7 and anyone else I might be forgetting.. Biu!
Mel good new job mojo coming your hubby's way.

I am turning over a new leaf, and not a pot one. I am not going to care more then my friends when their life is scary. remind me of this, thanks.
yeah...I got a dryer last summer from CL..100 American Dollars...still working Man wanted 275 to give me a 90 day warranty:doh:

:ciao: coming the The Cup?

a bit overcast and some drizzle..looks like a nice day to stay inside
