Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Good morning Duck! How are you on this glorious day? :D

Morning rest-o-the BHC! :aok:
Happy Saturday peeps.

Hey farmer, do you grow just one kind like is recommended? I have to have both a good night indica and a hello world sativa dom, and a middle of the day hybrid. It would sure be easier to grow just one strain at a time, i have never done that.

It is a mild 87 this afternoon. Went to the farmers market with my son..that was fun. We got cherries and raspberry's and salad stuff. yum.

Or workers start on the bathroom on Monday morning. They are rated high on angies list. Why do i have my doubts this will go without a hitch? Mr rb insists on putting the 5 feet tall plants in his shed. I am not so happy with the thought of him carrying them.... Wake me when this is over. We won't have to remodel anything else I don't think.

BIU!!! Hey Duck, 4U, Orange, CUbby, SM, THG, lsd, mr fist, and all the other wonderful biuppers. BIU!
I get going after a few hits,, myself, cause the pain is not as bad n that makes me feelin like doing something

lovbnstoned :cool: :icon_smile:
ol stoner :tokie:
After doing the smaller plants but more of them, do you prefer the two big girls?
We are of like minds in the satori club. That would by my morning type for sure. In fact, i don't think i even need to grow anything else but satori for breakfast. I would be ok with 28 jars of satori.
Good morning Duck! :aok:

Morning all, hope you're all well on this fine Sunday morning. Off to the hydro store for me to pick up a 2x2 tent and scrubber etc for a drying cabinet. We have a chopping to do next week muahahah!

Be well everyone. BIU!! :bong:
Enjoy your harvest dgf!

Duck, how is it going with all the company. I hope you are enjoying them. I bet when you get with your sisters you laugh a lot. I love that.

OrangeSunshine, where are you????

SM, is it terribly hot at your house? Are the kids swimming a lot this summer?

Cubby, you think maybe i just need to put blinking lights on my plants..instead of hide it, decorate it??? You might be on to something.

The workers start tomorrow... I might get a bath this year...that sounded really bad. I promise i shower.

THG, how are you doing? Wish you were here.
Good morning everyone.

I am really enjoying the cooler weather. I worked like a maniac cleaning out my shop/shed on Friday (and didn't get done). I was so stiff and sore on Sat I could hardly move. I know it was that newly harvested Satori that got me moving and kept me moving. Satori in the morning should be mandatory for all us older peeps that have trouble getting going.

Duck, enjoy your family's visit. My youngest sis and her family are moving back to their old stomping grounds and arrived at the other sis's house last night. We all laugh a lot when we get together, too.

Rosebud, I wish I was there, too. We had such fun (and your tub would be in by now too)! I don't think I would have been able to move if I hadn't soaked (and the jacuzzi helped) in a hot tub on Friday night. I may not be there in person, but I am joining you in spirit with some espresso (with a little Irish Cream) and some Satori.

DGT, hope you are getting a little more comfortable with the drying and trimming. Everything is going to be fine. It really isn't that complicated. You will probably hate trimming though. The only person I know that likes to trim is a really lazy person who just likes to get paid for sitting on her butt (and being able to smoke a lot while doing it).

Farmer, I feel the same way about Satori--the strain I never want to be without. I can't remember exactly when I started growing it, but I'm thinking 2007. I must have been on the search for a good up strain when I chanced upon it. I had been growing Joey Weed's C99, but he was out of it.

I think I am re-energized and will work on the shop/shed again. I am determined to be able to use it as a shop and not just as a junk room.

Everybody enjoy your day. Take time to BIU. And appreciate all that this day gives you.
dont over do it today Hempgodess ..

we a bit overcasted today..was over Ray jays for the 4th and had great times..He put up a huge pool for the kids to swim...well Kandi wanted to take a swim and then decided to roll in the pile of dirt...what a







Yes, take it easy in there THG, but good for you for doing that.

4U, i can 't believe that is our darling Kandy acting like a Dirt bath.
:ciao: Howdy BHC,

83* and sunny.

4U, Kandi looks like she enjoyed the 4th for sure. Did she go in the pool? When I was a kid my mom had a tan Pomeranian that would go down the water slide into the pool.

THG, Don't overwork yourself, a clean shop ain't worth much if you're too beat to enjoy it.

Rosebud, I'll bet you can just about hear the bath water flowing. Every remodel seems to take 10x as long as necessary, don't it?

Take care Peeps, time to hit some Cindy-99 and do a little weeding.

BIU BHC...:vap-leafy_wave: :vap-leafy_wave: :vap-leafy_wave:
Yeah cubby...she went for swim and then got dirty...and No she didnt go back in the pool:rofl:

I gave her a rinse and she got her summer cut Last night...Ill get some new ones Later..right now We have to shoot some stick...enjoy your Sunday events

Good Morning BHC:ciao:

Still raining here:(
DGT, hope you are getting a little more comfortable with the drying and trimming. Everything is going to be fine. It really isn't that complicated. You will probably hate trimming though. The only person I know that likes to trim is a really lazy person who just likes to get paid for sitting on her butt (and being able to smoke a lot while doing it).

Yeah I'm quite a bit more comfortable now, thanks! :)

I built a pretty nifty drying cabinet last night with my wife. It's 2x2x4' with 8 custom slide out screen trays. I have a port in the bottom to "share" some of my A/C for optimal temps in the cabinet. At the top a very small fan to help it pull air through and out, into a home made "carbon scrubber" box.
Pics will be in my journal later :D

As for the trimming, I'm SURE I'm going to love love love it at least this round! lol. I can't wait to tell you the truth. I have myself and my wife to do it.

So, good morning BHC! Hope you are all doing quite well this morning... :bong:
Good Morning Bong hogs! I miss Chef, he always called everyone bong hogs..

Hope your company is fun Duck.

DGF, pictures of your carbon scrubber would be cool. I bet you wife will be a good trimmer..just cause she is a lady. That was very sexist of me. sorry.

My contractor isn't coming today... He didn't finish his last job on time, i am disappointed but i can use the time before they get here tomorrow, I hope to figure out where my plants are going.

I need to biu...see ya soon.
Howdy friends. Been outta town worken,,now im home again. Yeeehaaaa. Course I dont see that much going on at the MP anymore. Slowed down a bit I guess.
Mebeafarmer said:

my 8 year old is just expressing interest in hockey and has been skating for about 3-4 years.
he is all signed up for his first season of hockey this year....practice starts later this summer!

No ..sorry...Billiards/pool...I sure hope Seattle gets that Hockey team...I miss going to games and watching a good Asss wooping:D
:ciao: Gang, :ciao: 4U, Duck, Cubby.......Smokin Mom & Rose :heart:


Got a lot going on in the journal this year. Harvest should be a treat.

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