How are my favorite bongers doing tonight?

GoNAVY said:I love BONGS!!!
Can I come play??? I like #609 if it's cool. :headbang2:
Here's my new baby... Very proud... :bongin:
4u2sm0ke said:okay Duck..:ciao: why was the 100+ fishermen stuck? :bong: and pass:bong1:
pcduck said::ciao:4u2sm0ke There were 300 stuck on an a ice flow. A bunch of them rode their 4 wheelers 15 miles to get off it. 135 were taken off by the Coast Guard. 1 ice fisherman fell in Lake Erie and died.We had a strong SW wind here and a giant piece of ice broke away from the rest. ....They even showed it on the CBS Evening News....Enough news, now time for a :bongin: :bong::bong2:
GoNAVY said:I've been up since 04:20... Gotta cook breakfast soon.
Thoughts are with the sailors ! ! ! !
Hearts of Oak Lads...