Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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orangesunshine said:
morning all---still waiting on the rain---might even get snow @ 2000'---although i am cold---it doesn't seem cold enough to be getting no snow---haha little monkeys cleaning your plants---wouldn't take them long before they ate all the herb and were :stoned: little monkeys---where is cubby walking today

:bong: :bong:

I'm tellin' ya' Orange, those mini-monkeys will be all the rage. They'll be flying off the shelves (Well, maybe not flying ). All the hydro stores will have them. We'll have to sell them with little tyedyed pants 'cause they have a habbit of pleasuring themselves and flinging poop.
I'm still walking the Appalachin Trail, 6-9 miles per day. About the time I get to the end, someone will come along and lengthen it.
4U, how much Poop are you pickin' up? What do they charge for that?
What else is in your soil, and what are the mix ratios?
Can I interest you in a few mini-monkeys? They're not unfamilliar with poop redistribution. Kandi, would love it, they give great pet massages (just make sure they wash their hands,)

High everyone. I hope y'all are having a nice week so far. Mine's been crap, but I know it will get better. It's only Tuesday.

:ciao: Mom..Hope week gets better

cubby...I get the Tagro for $30 yard...and then I add perlite and lime..Started this soil this year and still working to perfect...I dont PH water and is all I far a few strains show the need of more later in flower...if I mix a teas I use drft teas...and or old foxfarm nutes...they old not sure if I should

:doh: TMT

Good morning bongers,

27 degrees here this morning.

Howard goes in for a cast check this morning. Trying to stop a puppy from playing is very hard. Isn't it great he feels well enough to play I say to myself as I want to put him on a shelf somewhere.

BIU Peeps, I am going to.
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
-7 and very sunny.
RoseBud, tell Howie I said good luck at the Docs. He'll be back to running and playing in no time. And don't put him on a shelf, he might fall off and hurt himself.....:p
Hope everyone's having a good day.

Let's get this BHC FUNKY......:bong: :banana: :bong: .....:D
Morning all. It is 22 here and a sunny day. It may get into the low 40s. We almost never get wind here. A sunny winter day with no wind always feels warmer than it is.

Rose, at least you are on the downhill slope here. Howie is over the worst of it and is on the med. Keeping a puppy from playing is an almost impossible task. Good luck and hope the vet news is all good. I adopted a new guy the first of Feb. He was a stray Border Collie/Australian Shepherd cross who they estimated is around 4--I knew I couldn't handle a puppy anymore. Yummmm, thai chicken wings.....
Cold and rainy here today, it sure is helping my mood. :p

It's Wednesday. How's your week going thus far? :)
Well,,since I live in the same region as SM,,,rainy and cold,,but my Bong is warming me up.:D
My week is going fantastic so far SmokinMom, thanks for asking:)

23* now, was 9* this morning wind has subsided to a mere 20 mph.buuurrrrrr

Now to BIU :bong::bong::bong:
Farmer, I had a bong and broke it. I use my vape and they still let me in here, so when i say bong it up, i really mean, get your rear end stoned anyway you can.

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