Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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I can talk now, right?


:vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker:
of course Rose....I just did not want the BHC shut down because of the trolls.

BIU :bong:
drfting07 said:
:ciao: 7GE

Good to see yah, pal!


right back atcha drft ;) Good to see the troll was starved

time to get back to bizness and :bong: it up, peeps. Think I'll drop some tincture while I'm at it...
I know Duck. I really wonder about people. I mean what would make you get up on a friday morn and think, how can i piss off a bunch of people today? The human condition amazes me.

I appreciate you telling us to hush.

So, I am vaping satori and thinking about changing it up to pink momma.
Mr rb and I went out to lunch for thai food, it was very good. Then we went to costco..we know how to have fun don't we?

Just got some new growing medium in, expanded glass....40% more arreation than perlite.....very light!!! we shall see! Its PH neutral and i dont have to rinse it like ton....

:huh: WOW!!! I go for a walk and come back to the remnants of a fire fight. Maybe that meteor rattled peoples brainstems :confused2:
It would seem that we are experiencing a flush of new members. Unfortunately they are high on quantity but low on quality.

.:bong: :bong: :bong:
The Hemp Goddess said:
Please, not feed the trolls. Use your ignore button if someone is irritating you. All this useless back and forth is just adding garbage to the forum. Everyone should just sit back, take a big breath, and just BIU

:bong1: :bong:


:welcome: to Marijuana Passion, 911reagan.

Here take this :bong: and sit a spell....
7greeneyes said:
:welcome: to Marijuana Passion, 911reagan.

Here take this :bong: and sit a spell....

i dont practice witch craft anymore but thanks
Rosebud said:
I Then we went to costco..we know how to have fun don't we?

Nothing wrong with patronizing a fine company like CostCo. They are a model of what all US companies should strive for. Their CEO doesn't take a huge salary, they pay their worker well, and they are unionized. Unions have a bad rep as being mobbed up and or dirty and quite a few were back in the day, but they also helped build the Middle Class. Let's be honest, there are not many companies out there that would look out for their workers anymore. It's all about profit for their share holders and CEO's. I make probably 10 dollars more an hour than a FedEx driver (who is not unionized) and don't pay a dime for my Health Care coverage other than a 10 dollar co-pay. Prescription meds are free. I would have none of that if I didn't have a Union representing me. Okay sorry for the semi political rant. Just gets old seeing the Middle Class get the shaft in this country. Glad the troll(s) is/are gone, for now....:rolleyes:
I agree with you completely Hammy. My son has worked for them for15 years or so. His benefits are amazing. His bonus' are amazing. I am so thankful for that company.

My husband is a big advocate of unions as well. I had friends in Alaska retire from UPS at 40 years old, that was back in the day tho. The unions did build the middle class.
Rose Human behavior amazing me and also disappoints me at the same time.

Proud USW retired member here:)
Hey guys :ciao: ive been at work all day so i was wondering if there any new developments today on recent events seems like it wasnt talked about much today but then again it looks like some threads got deleted.

Good to see though things have calmed down a but still no results anyways im about to hit the hay i worked a strait 10 hour day
DarkHorse007 said:
Hey guys :ciao: ive been at work all day so i was wondering if there any new developments today on recent events seems like it wasnt talked about much today but then again it looks like some threads got deleted.

Good to see though things have calmed down a but still no results anyways im about to hit the hay i worked a strait 10 hour day

Some threads? :eek: My delete thumb is so sore I can hardly type.
**** unions, ive worked with those lazy fuks on govt contracts, never met a bigger bunch of lazy fuks in my LIFE.

yeah , they might have helped 40 yrs ago...but unions do nothing but *** US now....

fukin slackers...dont get me started.
Well, on that note...

Good morning bong hogs!

What do you guys have planned today?

I was thinking maybe I would...:vap-Bong_smoker: then check on spider mitesm then:vap-Bong_smoker: see what the day brings.

Hope you are staying warm...cubby, i see you down there.

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