:ciao: Good afternoon BHC,
Mom, it's good to hear you got your pup. If you're giving Christmas cars I'll take a "67 Caddy El Dorado, convertible, Steelgray with a black top and interior.
Rose, Your mantle looks very classy, like a pic from a upscale retail catalog.
I too was thinking about the remnants of your tree. Seems a shame to just have it hauled off. How bout having the tree service cut some 2 foot sections that you can use as outdoor seating or stands for plants, yard ornaments, or ?.
I must admit I'm one of those people who says "don't throw that away...we can do something with it"

4U, can't you just run a garden hose into the shed and fill a 55gallon barrel then either put a spigot on the 55 or just draw water with a pitcher? It's a lot less expensive and much easier than actually plumbing an out building.
Duck, congrats on the girl, have you found out what's causing the weirdness in your other girl?
Alright all...:bong: :bong: :bong: